As you look around, you constantly make decisions about how far away something is–whether it’s a dog sniffing at a nearby tree or a friend down the street.
If you were a surveyor, you could measure angles and then use high-school trigonometry to calculate distances. That’s great for drawing a map or establishing property lines, but it’s more work that you want to do for just an on-the-fly estimate.
One cue that you might use is the angle of an object with the ground–in effect, where the object is in your field of view. If you have to look down toward your feet to see it, you can assume that it’s close to you. If you have to peer toward the horizon to view it, it’s far away. In effect, your distance estimate depends on the angle between your line of sight to the horizon, which is at eye level, and your line of sight to the object of interest. This quantity is known as the angular declination.