Erin Wayman

Erin Wayman

Managing Editor, Print and Longform

Erin Wayman is Science News’ managing editor for print and longform. She previously served as the production editor and reported on earth and environmental sciences for the magazine. A former primatologist-in-training, Erin decided to leave monkey-watching behind after a close run-in with angry peccaries in Ecuador. Once she completed her master’s degree in biological anthropology at the University of California, Davis, she switched careers and earned a master’s in science writing at Johns Hopkins University. Erin was previously an associate editor at EARTH and an assistant editor at Smithsonian magazine, where she blogged about human evolution. Her work has also appeared in New Scientist, Slate, ScienceNOW and Current Anthropology.

All Stories by Erin Wayman

  1. Planetary Science

    Mars rover fails to find methane

    A dearth of the gas in the Red Planet's atmosphere disappoints scientists looking for signs of biological activity.

  2. Earth

    Hot spot deep beneath North America could have triggered quakes

    Mantle plume might have left trail of hot rock under continental US.

  3. Earth

    Buried Saharan rivers might have been early expressways

    Humans might have migrated across the arid region along three once-lush waterways.

  4. Climate

    No more Superstorm Sandys expected for a long time

    Future conditions less likely to steer hurricanes directly into the East Coast, analysis suggests.

  5. Earth

    Big canyon entombed beneath Greenland’s ice

    Newly discovered chasm helps explain island's lack of subglacial lakes.

  6. Climate

    Global warming hiatus tied to cooler temps in Pacific

    Average air temperatures' rise has paused, but not stopped, because of normal variation in ocean temperatures.

  7. Earth

    Breakups maintain barchan dune fields, somehow

    Two new theories try to explain how the crescent-shaped sand mountains persist.

  8. Earth

    Millions in China at risk of exposure to arsenic-tainted water

    Simulation shows possibly contaminated areas and predicts populations at risk.

  9. Killer whales, grandmas and what men want: Evolutionary biologists consider menopause

    Menopause seems like a cruel prank that Mother Nature plays on women. First come the hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, irregular periods, irritability and weight gain. Then menstruation stops and fertility ends. Why, many women ask, must they suffer through this? Evolutionary biologists, it turns out, ask themselves more or less the same question. […]

  10. Climate

    Climate change carved canyons in Andes

    Erosion came thanks to cooling and more rain, not tectonic activity.

  11. Climate

    The Attacking Ocean

    The Past, Present, and Future of Rising Sea Levels by Brian Fagan.

  12. Humans

    Y chromosome analysis moves Adam closer to Eve

    A pair of genetic studies has pushed back age of men's most recent common ancestor.