Lisa Grossman is the astronomy writer for Science News. Previously she was a news editor at New Scientist, where she ran the physical sciences section of the magazine for three years. Before that, she spent three years at New Scientist as a reporter, covering space, physics and astronomy. She has a degree in astronomy from Cornell University and a graduate certificate in science writing from UC Santa Cruz. Lisa was a finalist for the AGU David Perlman Award for Excellence in Science Journalism, and received the Institute of Physics/Science and Technology Facilities Council physics writing award and the AAS Solar Physics Division Popular Writing Award. She interned at Science News in 2009-2010.

All Stories by Lisa Grossman

  1. Space

    WISE sees its first stars

    NASA's new infrared observatory is ready for action.

  2. Space

    Comets don’t all start out on the fringe

    A new model suggests that comets also come from the inner Oort Cloud and offers a way to resolve a massive problem about the early solar system.

  3. Space

    Parting Eta Carinae’s clouds reveals more clouds

    New images show the nearby star system's inner beauty.

  4. Space

    Plenty of black holes do-si-do

    Team finds 33 merging galaxies with 'waltzing' black-hole pairs, suggesting the phenomenon is more common than thought.

  5. Earth

    Age of solar system needs a fresh look

    Honed measurements show age overshot by amount significant to earliest stage of formation.

  6. The Ties That Bind

    Studies of human social networks go high-tech.

  7. Space

    Super-Earth found close by, may host water

    Astronomers say this discovery and others suggest that finding habitable planets is 'only a matter of time.'

  8. Humans

    Stereotypes steer women away from computer science

    Surveys, tests of college students shows how surroundings can 'communicate a sense of belonging' or 'exclusion.'

  9. Life

    Dinosaurs broiled, not grilled

    Debris from K-T impact could have been heat source and heat shield.

  10. Earth

    The big spill: Flood could have filled Mediterranean in less than two years

    Discovery of a distinctive channel and new calculations of possible water movement suggest a fast and furious flow formed the sea.

  11. Space

    Black hole may construct its own galactic home

    Observations of a ‘homeless’ quasar suggest new ideas for galaxy formation.

  12. Humans

    Loneliness is contagious, study suggests

    An analysis of social networks finds that people who feel isolated may spread mistrust among others.