Thomas Sumner

All Stories by Thomas Sumner

  1. Planetary Science

    How alien can a planet be and still support life?

    Geoscientists imagine the unearthly mechanisms that could keep alien planets habitable.

  2. Climate

    Wildfire shifts could dump more ice-melting soot in Arctic

    Wildfires will emit more soot into the air in many regions by the end of the century, new simulations show.

  3. Environment

    EPA boosts estimate of U.S. methane emissions

    A new report by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency revises the agency’s methane emission estimates upward by 3.4 million metric tons.

  4. Environment

    EPA underestimates methane emissions

    Methane estimates by the Environmental Protection Agency fail to capture the full scope of U.S. emissions of the greenhouse gas, studies show.

  5. Earth

    Most diamonds share a common origin story

    Most diamonds form from fluids deep inside Earth’s interior that contain carbonate compounds, new research suggests.

  6. Climate

    Changing climate: 10 years after ‘An Inconvenient Truth’

    In the 10 years since "An Inconvenient Truth," climate researchers have made progress in predicting how rising temperatures will affect sea level, weather patterns and polar ice.

  7. Climate

    Sea levels could rise twice as fast as previously predicted

    Sea level rise from Antarctica’s melting ice could accelerate faster and sooner than previously thought.

  8. Environment

    Dome effect leaves Chinese megacities under thick haze

    Airborne black carbon lowers an atmospheric boundary, trapping pollution around major cities and worsening air quality, researchers propose.

  9. Earth

    One of Earth’s missing minerals found locked inside meteorite

    Scientists have discovered the last undiscovered dense mineral of the pyroxene group in a meteorite.

  10. Earth

    Quake risk in parts of central U.S. as high as in fault-filled California

    A new report from the U.S. Geological Survey shows an increased earthquake hazard from human activities such as the disposal of fracking wastewater.

  11. Climate

    Maximum size for Arctic sea ice hits a new low

    Warm temperatures helped drop the Arctic sea ice maximum to the smallest size on record.

  12. Earth

    Beware of rockfalls in warm weather

    Cracks in cliff faces grow and shrink as temperatures warm and cool, new research shows.