Science & the Public

Where scienceand society meet

  1. Climate

    EPA asks: Could you drive less?

    Gas prices may need to climb more before most of us do the right thing.

  2. Astronomy

    Citizen Astronomy

    Astronomers have found big benefits from recruiting the public to lend their eyes and image-processing prowess

  3. Agriculture

    Bee-Loved Plantings

    Zipcode-organized guidelines tell gardeners, farmers and others how to design a landscape that will not only entice pollinators but also keep these horticultural helpers happy.

  4. Ecosystems

    Human ‘Signature’ in Fish Losses

    Why the whales-ate-my-fish argument doesn't hold water.

  5. Ecosystems

    On Whales’ Appetites: What a Waste

    An advocacy group and renowned scientist floundered in an attempt to compel opinion shapers with the science showing that industrial fleets, not whales, pose a serious threat to fish stocks.

  6. Astronomy

    Galaxy Zoo’s blue mystery (part 2)

    Featured blog: The enigmatic "Voorwerp" may be a dwarf galaxy lit by the ghostly echoes of a long-gone quasar.

  7. Physics

    Galaxy Zoo’s blue mystery (part I)

    A Dutch science teacher found a novel celestial object that had eluded the notice of astronomers.

  8. Computing

    Video Search à la Web

    Finding videos on the web can still be a hit-or-miss proposition.

  9. Materials Science

    Family Snaps in Peril

    Digital photography appears to be far more ephemeral than camera sales people have led us to believe.

  10. Humans

    How Would Carnegie Judge Our Digital Libraries?

    As the nature of "modern" libraries change, one digital designer questions whether libraries are losing much more than just hard copies of their books.

  11. Humans

    Digital Data Cry Out — Save Me!

    Despite being make-or-break issues, how to collect, store, and catalog digital data are on the radar screens of few scientists and engineers.

  12. Science & Society

    Confirmed: Big Dipper to Get Doritos

    A European astronomy group beamed a video of a Doritos sacrifice to the god of salsa at a possible alien race in a star system associated with the Big Dipper.
