Search Results for: bacteria

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5,489 results
  1. Planetary Science

    Bacteria that can make humans sick could survive on Mars

    Experiments suggest that common illness-causing microbes could not only survive on the Red Planet but also might be able to thrive.

  2. Health & Medicine

    A protein found in sweat may protect people from Lyme disease

    The protein stopped Borrelia burgdorferi, a bacterium that is transmitted by ticks, from growing in dishes or infecting mice.

  3. Life

    Bacteria fossils hold the oldest signs of machinery needed for photosynthesis

    Microfossils from Australia suggest that cyanobacteria evolved structures for oxygen-producing photosynthesis by 1.78 billion years ago.

  4. Life

    This marine alga is the first known eukaryote to pull nitrogen from air

    An alga’s bacterial symbiote has evolved into an organelle that turns atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia, making the alga unique among eukaryotes.

  5. Life

    How disease-causing microbes load their tiny syringes to prep an attack

    Tracking individual proteins in bacterial cells reveals a shuttle-bus system to load tiny syringes that inject our cells with havoc-wreaking proteins.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Here’s why pain might last after persistent urinary tract infections

    Experiments in mice reveal that the immune response to a UTI spurs nerve growth in the bladder and lowers the pain threshold.

  7. Life

    Human cancer cells might slurp up bacteria-killing viruses for energy

    In the lab, human cancer cells show signs of cell growth after ingesting bacteria-killing viruses, a hint our cells might use bacteriophages as fuel.

  8. Life

    A vaccine for bees has an unexpected effect

    Honeybees vaccinated against a bacterial disease were also protected from a viral disease.

  9. Animals

    The right bacterial mix could help frogs take the heat

    Wood frog tadpoles that receive a transplant of green frog bacteria can swim in warm waters, revealing another role for microbiomes: heat tolerance.

  10. Humans

    These are the chemicals that give teens pungent body odor

    Steroids and high levels of carboxylic acids in teenagers’ body odor give off a mix of pleasant and acrid scents.

  11. Life

    Young squash bugs seek out adults’ poop for an essential microbe

    Squash bug nymphs don’t rely on their parents to pick up a bacterium they’d die without. They find it on their own.

  12. Agriculture

    Mixing up root microbes can boost tea’s flavor

    Inoculating tea plant roots with nitrogen-metabolizing bacteria enhances synthesis of theanine, an amino acid that gives tea its savoriness.
