Search Results for: Forests

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5,378 results
  1. Psychology

    ‘Fires in the Dark’ illuminates how great healers ease mental suffering

    Kay Redfield Jamison’s new book examines approaches used throughout history to restore troubled minds and broken spirits.

  2. Animals

    Tree-climbing carnivores called fishers are back in Washington’s forests

    Thanks to a 14-year reintroduction effort, fishers, or “tree wolverines,” are once again climbing and hunting in Washington’s forests after fur trapping and habitat loss wiped them out.

  3. Animals

    Macaques in Puerto Rico learned to share shade after Hurricane Maria

    Animals that spent more time together on hot afternoons were less likely to die during the years following the storm, a new study finds.

  4. Health & Medicine

    ‘Blight’ warns that a future pandemic could start with a fungus

    ‘The Last of Us’ is fiction, but the health dangers posed by fungi are real, a new book explains.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Climate change puts children’s health at risk now and in the future

    Heat waves, wildfires and other climate-related effects on the environment are particularly hard on children’s physical and mental health.

  6. Anthropology

    Interlocking logs may be evidence of the oldest known wooden structure

    Roughly 480,000-year-old wooden find from Zambia suggests early hominids were more skilled at structuring their environments than scientists realized.

  7. Climate

    How Kenyans help themselves and the planet by saving mangrove trees

    Communities in Kenya took action to restore their coastal mangrove forests, reaping economic and environmental benefits. Others are following suit.

  8. Animals

    Volcanic sulfur may make barn owls grow redder feathers

    Barn owls on volcanic islands tend to have redder plumage than those on nonvolcanic islands, possibly due to an influx of sulfur in the environment.

  9. Life

    Fossils suggest early primates lived in a once-swampy Arctic

    Teeth and jawbones found on Ellesmere Island, Canada, suggest that two early primate species migrated there 52 million years ago.

  10. Climate

    A new UN report lays out an ethical framework for climate engineering

    The report’s release, which coincides with COP28, weighs the ethics of using technological interventions to mitigate climate change.

  11. Tech

    A trick inspired by Hansel and Gretel could help rovers explore other worlds

    Taking a cue from a classic fairy tale, scientists propose a way for rovers to send back data from treacherous terrain.

  12. Life

    A fantastical world of potential giant viruses lurks beneath the soil

    Giant viruses were already known for their large sizes. A close look at a scoop of soil shows that they may come in a variety of funky shapes as well.
