Search Results for: Jellyfish

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250 results
  1. Humans

    Letters from the July 23, 2005, issue of Science News

    Clearly a problem? “Built for Blurs: Jellyfish have great eyes that can’t focus” (SN: 5/14/05, p. 307) states that “the resulting blurred view is good enough for spotting large objects such as mangrove roots.” It seems to me that the article is missing the crucial biological question presented by these eyes. My understanding is that […]

  2. 19550

    This article states that “the resulting blurred view is good enough for spotting large objects such as mangrove roots.” It seems to me that the article is missing the crucial biological question presented by these eyes. My understanding is that the nervous system of a jellyfish contains no true nerves and no centralization. How can […]

  3. Animals

    Is eyeless sea creature fishing with a red light?

    Researchers off the coast of California have captured three deep-water siphonophores, relatives of jellyfish, and observed in the lab that the creatures twitch little red lights that could be lures for fish.

  4. Tech

    Smart Trap: Nanosensor tracks major brain chemical

    The study of neurological diseases and brain functions could get a lot more precise with the invention of an optical sensor that can closely monitor a key chemical in the brain.

  5. Animals

    New Green Eyes: First butterfly that’s genetically modified

    Scientists have genetically engineered a butterfly for the first time, putting a jellyfish protein into a tropical African species so that its eyes fluoresce green.

  6. Humans

    Science News of the Year 2005

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the year 2005.

  7. Proteins in the Stretch

    Scientists are for the first time getting a feel for how proteins fold and unfold.

  8. Humans

    Genes on Display

    DNA becomes part of the artist's palette.

  9. Reef Relations

    The discovery of humanlike genes in coral means that the common ancestor of both humans and coral was more complex than previously assumed.

  10. Tech

    Special Delivery: Metallic nanorods shuttle genes

    A new gene therapy technique relies on nanorods made of gold and nickel to deliver genes to cells in the body.

  11. Earth

    A Stinging Forecast: Model predicts chance of encountering jellyfish

    Weather forecasters usually prognosticate precipitation, pollen, and poor air quality, but in some areas, they could soon provide beachgoers with the probability of confronting a jellyfish.

  12. Earth

    Dead Waters

    Coastal dead zones—underwater regions where oxygen concentrations are too low for fish to survive—are mushrooming globally, threatening to transform entire ecosystems.
