
  1. Animals

    Birds know road speed limits

    Crows, house sparrows and other species judge when to flee the asphalt by average traffic rates rather than an oncoming car's speed.

  2. Plants

    Dastardly daisies

    This flower isn’t just any old sex cheat. It can be sexually deceptive three ways and in 3-D.

  3. Animals

    New carnivore species found

    Tiny olingo species dubbed 'olinguito'.

  4. Animals

    Antarctic waters may shelter wrecks from shipworms

    Ocean currents and polar front form 'moat' that keeps destructive mollusks at bay.

  5. Animals

    Noise may disrupt a bat’s dinner

    Mechanical cacophony can drown out the whispers of moving insect prey.

  6. Animals

    Climate change may bring dramatic behavior shifts

    Shifting temperatures and rainfall are expected to alter animal lifestyles from the poles to the tropics.

  7. Animals

    Spider’s personality matters when job hunting

    Boldest individuals of social species tasked with seeking out prey.

  8. Life

    Evolution of mammalian monogamy remains mysterious

    Two large studies reach opposing conclusions about why males stay with females.

  9. Animals

    Oxygen boost aided carnivore evolution in Cambrian explosion

    Atmospheric change and rise of predators caused burst in complexity of life.

  10. Animals

    Eye-tracking cameras show peahens’ wandering gaze

    Data show that female birds are not so riveted by their suitors’ magnificence

  11. Animals

    Dolphins name themselves with a whistle

    The marine mammals respond only to their own handles.

  12. Animals

    Fattened livers prep white sharks for extreme migrations

    The organ's reserves enable a long journey from waters off California to Hawaii and back, tracking data suggest.
