
  1. Chemistry

    Bacteria send out molecular scrounger for copper

    Scientists have discovered the organic molecule that bacteria use to take up copper, which the microbes then use to chemically crack methane.

  2. Chemistry

    Meteorites may have delivered phosphorus

    Meteorites may have supplied enough phosphorus to prebiotic Earth to spawn the first signs of life.

  3. Chemistry

    Molecular machines split water

    Hydrogen derived from molecular machines that use solar energy to split water, rather than hydrogen from fossil fuels, could drive future fuel cell vehicles.

  4. Chemistry

    Tricky Business

    The way a drug crystallizes to form a solid can make or break a billion-dollar product, which explains why pharmaceutical and crystal chemists are racing to control this poorly understood process.

  5. Chemistry

    Velcro Therapy: Branching polymer wards off scarring after eye surgery

    Specially designed polymer molecules called dendrimers reduce scar tissue formation after glaucoma surgery, dramatically improving the procedure's outcome.

  6. Chemistry

    Tarantula venom disrupts cells in unexpected way

    The unusual way in which the chemical components of tarantula venom disrupt cells could inspire the design of new drug therapies.

  7. Chemistry

    Nitrogen Power: New crystal packs a lot of punch

    At extremely high temperatures and pressures, nitrogen gas assumes a three-dimensional crystal structure called polymeric nitrogen, a long-sought energy-storage material.

  8. Chemistry

    Chemistry Catches Cocaine at Source

    Scientists have devised a method for identifying cocaine's geographical origin by determining the chemical signatures of five distinct coca-growing regions in the Andes.

  9. Chemistry

    Connection blocker may stop viruses

    Using compounds that disrupt the interface of two viral proteins might present a novel strategy for combating viruses, a study of herpes suggests.

  10. Chemistry

    Detailed yellow-bud research blossoms

    In identifying the chemical responsible for the color of many yellow flowers, scientists have moved one step closer to engineering sunny-colored designer buds.

  11. Chemistry

    Weighty Discovery: Chemical screening technique identifies potential anthrax drug

    A new version of mass spectrometry could speed the process of drug discovery by enabling more accurate screening of thousands of chemicals at once.

  12. Chemistry

    Crystal could generate pure hydrogen fuel

    An organic crystal's unusual molecular-trapping behavior could help drive a new hydrogen economy.
