
  1. Animals

    Here’s how many shark bites there were in 2023

    The chance of being bitten by a shark is still incredibly slim, according to a new report from the Florida Museum of Natural History.

  2. Earth

    Where are U.S. earthquakes most likely? A new map shows the hazard risks

    Updates to the National Seismic Hazard Model have elevated the average ground shaking hazard across the country.

  3. Climate

    Cold, dry snaps accompanied three plagues that struck the Roman Empire

    New climate data for ancient Italy point to temperature and rainfall influences on past infectious disease outbreaks.

  4. Earth

    Many but not all of the world’s aquifers are losing water

    Many aquifers are quickly disappearing due to climate change and overuse, but some are rising because of improved resource management.

  5. Climate

    Numbats are built to hold heat, making climate change extra risky for the marsupials

    New thermal imaging shows how fast numbats’ surface temperature rises even at relatively reasonable temperatures.

  6. Earth

    STEVE and other aurora-like glows perplex scientists with their complex physics

    New views of STEVE from citizen scientists keep raising questions about the atmospheric light show — but computer models may offer some answers.

  7. Earth

    Speed bumps under Thwaites Glacier could help slow its flow to the sea

    A seismic survey of Thwaites’ icy underbelly shows the Antarctica glacier may be snagging on tall rises in land. That could help slow global sea level rise.

  8. Physics

    Invisible comet tails of mucus slow sinking flakes of ‘marine snow’

    New measurements reveal the gunk that surrounds the particles, an important factor in understanding how the ocean sequesters carbon.

  9. Climate

    3 Antarctic glaciers show rapidly accelerated ice loss from ocean warming

    Destabilized by ocean waves and vanishing sea ice, Antarctica’s Hektoria glacier lost 25 kilometers of ice in 16 months — a possible hint of what’s to come.

  10. Climate

    COP28 nations agreed to ‘transition’ from fossil fuels. That’s too slow, experts say

    COP28 ended with a historic climate agreement to begin moving away from fossil fuels, but stopped short of mandating phasing them out.

  11. Earth

    Here are some big-if-true scientific claims that made headlines in 2023

    Hominid cannibalism, “dark stars,” the secrets of Earth’s core and more tantalizing findings will require more evidence before scientists can confirm them as fact.

  12. Oceans

    Ocean heat waves often lurk out of sight

    About 1 in 3 marine heat waves occur below the surface, a new study reports, suggesting these harmful events are more common than previously thought.
