
  1. Animals

    Flesh Eaters: Bees that strip carrion also take wasp young

    A South American bee that ignores flowers and collects carrion from carcasses has an unexpected taste for live, abandoned wasp young.

  2. Paleontology

    Early Flight? Winged insects appear surprisingly ancient

    New analyses of a fossil suggest that winged insects may have emerged as early as 400 million years ago.

  3. Animals

    How blind mole rats find their way home

    The blind mole rat is the first animal discovered to navigate by combining dead reckoning with a magnetic compass.

  4. Animals

    Where’d I Put That?

    Birds that hide and recover thousands of separate caches of seeds have become a model for investigating how animals' minds work.

  5. Ecosystems

    Mangrove Might: Nearby trees boost reef-fish numbers

    Coastal mangroves give an unexpectedly important boost to reef fish.

  6. Animals

    Fish in the dark still size up mates

    Female cave fish still have their ancestral preference for a large male, even though it's too dark to see him.

  7. Animals

    Cetacean Seniors

    Whales that give new meaning to longevity.

  8. Animals

    Wasps drive frog eggs to (escape) hatch

    A tree frog's eggs can match their response to the degree of danger: all-out mass action for snakes but less activity for one wasp.

  9. Animals

    Vanishing Vultures: Bird deaths linked to vet-drug residues

    The recent puzzling crash in vulture populations in Pakistan comes not from some new disease but from exposure to veterinary drug residues in livestock carcasses.

  10. Plants

    Dawn of the Y: Papaya—Glimpse of early sex chromosome

    Genetic mappers say that the papaya plant has a rudimentary Y chromosome, the youngest one in evolutionary terms yet found, offering a glimpse of the evolution of sex chromosomes.

  11. Paleontology

    L.A.’s Oldest Tourist Trap

    Modern excavations at the La Brea tar pits are revealing a wealth of information about local food chains during recent ice ages, as well as details about what happened to trapped animals in their final hours.

  12. Animals

    Beetle fights bass in mouthwash duel

    A whirligig beetle duels with a hungry fish by dribbling out a repulsive chemical while the fish tries to rinse it off.
