
  1. Plants

    Tiny fossils set record for oldest flowerlike pollen

    Oldest flowerlike pollen might have come from an ancient relative of today’s flowering plants.

  2. Plants

    Hard-shelled seaweed survives by its loose knees

    Stringy joints between calcified algae’s segments don’t break easily under repeated stresses.

  3. Plants

    Dastardly daisies

    This flower isn’t just any old sex cheat. It can be sexually deceptive three ways and in 3-D.

  4. Life

    Genes in wheat relatives help stave off stem rust

    Wild and obscure species provide resistance to deadly fungus.

  5. Plants

    Mosses frozen in time come back to life

    Buried under a glacier for hundreds of years, plants regrow in the lab.

  6. Plants

    Giant genomes felled by DNA sequencing advances

    Complete genetic blueprints have been collected for several conifer species.

  7. Animals

    Native pollinators boost crop yields worldwide

    Farms with crops from coffee to mangoes don’t get the best yields if they rely solely on honeybees.

  8. Plants

    The Man Who Planted Trees

    Lost Groves, Champion Trees, and an Urgent Plan to Save the Planet by Jim Robbins

  9. Genetics

    Poppies make more than opium

    A 10-gene cluster controls the flowers’ production of a valuable cough suppressant and antitumor compound.

  10. Plants

    Tree rings’ lack of volcanic signature confuses climate calculations

  11. Humans

    Bt: The lesson not learned

    The more things change, the more they stay the same, as a Dec. 29 Associated Press report on genetically engineered corn notes. Like déjà vu, this news story on emerging resistance to Bt toxin — a fabulously effective and popular insecticide to protect corn — brings to mind articles I encountered over the weekend while flipping through historic issues of Science News. More than a half-century ago, our magazine chronicled, real time, the emergence of resistance to DDT, the golden child of pest controllers worldwide. Now much the same thing is happening again with Bt, its contemporary agricultural counterpart. Will we never learn?

  12. Plants

    Flirty Plants

    Searching for signs of picky, competitive mating in a whole other kingdom.
