Science & Society

  1. Particle Physics

    Top 10 subatomic surprises

    Nobel Prize–winning neutrinos rank among science’s most unexpected discoveries.

  2. Science & Society

    Neurological condition probably caused medieval scribe’s shaky handwriting

    By scrutinizing a medieval scribe’s wiggly handwriting, scientists conclude that the writer suffered from essential tremor.

  3. Science & Society

    For the real hits of fashion week, look to computer science

    A machine learning algorithm that analyzes trends on the runway and those on the street could help designers and manufacturers better understand what fashion trends take off.

  4. Science & Society

    Full coverage: 2015 Nobel Prizes

    The Nobel Prizes in physics, chemistry and medicine or physiology ran the gamut this year, honoring both fundamental science discoveries and research with real-world impacts.

  5. Science & Society

    Centennial books illuminate Einstein’s greatest triumph

    Scholars mark general relativity 100ths anniversary with books on history, biography, science.

  6. Astronomy

    Einstein’s genius changed science’s perception of gravity

    Einstein struggled for years to solve the puzzle of general relativity. The pieces all fell into place in November 1915.

  7. Tech

    Early satellite TV predictions highlighted instant communication potential

    Satellite communication started as science fiction but soon became reality.

  8. Science & Society

    The amateur who helped Einstein see the light

    With help from Science News Letter, eccentric amateur Rudi Mandl persuaded Einstein to explore the phenomenon of gravitational lensing.

  9. Cosmology

    Complexity in the universe, hidden craters and more reader feedback

    Readers discuss order and disorder in the universe, the languages of science communication and more.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Coffee serves up surprising health benefits

    Reporting on the current state of research allows readers to see beyond the single, sometimes conflicting public health messages that medical studies produce.

  11. Science & Society

    Meet 10 scientists who are making their mark

    In a special report, Science News features 10 early-career scientists on their way to more widespread acclaim.

  12. Particle Physics

    William Detmold: Looking deep into atoms’ hearts

    MIT theoretical physicist William Detmold probes the fundamental bits of matter that combine to form the nuclei of atoms.
