
  1. Astronomy

    Votes cast for and against the WIMP factor

    Physicists this week duked it out over a bunch of WIMPs, elementary particles that—if they exist—could solve a decades-old mystery in cosmology and help unify the four fundamental forces of nature.

  2. Astronomy

    Close Encounter

    In mid-August, asteroid 2002 NY40 came within 524,000 kilometers of Earth. Students from Yale University using a telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory captured a sequence of images of the 700-meter asteroid. Strung together into a movie, these images demonstrate the asteroid’s impressive speed, as seen from Earth over a period of two hours. The […]

  3. Planetary Science

    Lost in Space: Comet mission appears to have broken apart

    A spacecraft that had just begun its journey to two comets has fallen silent and may have broken apart.

  4. Astronomy

    A chance to point Hubble

    Get out your heavenly wish list: Astronomers working with the Hubble Space Telescope are soliciting suggestions for where to point the orbiting observatory this summer.

  5. Astronomy

    A possible signal from Polar Lander

    Astronomers may have heard a faint signal from the vanished Mars Polar Lander spacecraft last month but, as of mid-February, have not detected another.

  6. Planetary Science

    Tryst in space: Craft, asteroid rendezvous

    On Valentine's Day, the NEAR spacecraft cozied up to the asteroid 433 Eros, becoming the first craft to orbit a tiny body.

  7. Astronomy

    X-Ray Chaos: Violence shows itself in a nearby galaxy

    New X-ray observations provide additional evidence that Centaurus A, the nearest radio-wave-emitting galaxy to Earth that has a supermassive black hole, is a maelstrom of violence.

  8. Astronomy

    Revved-Up Universe

    Astronomers are busy testing the seemingly bizarre notion that the expansion of the universe is accelerating.

  9. Astronomy

    Solar magnetism: Memories are made of this

    Despite all its upheavals, the sun's magnetic field has a built-in memory, allowing it to return to its original position and configuration.

  10. Astronomy

    Milky Way gets a new layer

    Astronomers propose that 150 billion corpses of sunlike stars may blanket the visible disk of the galaxy.

  11. Astronomy

    Visible Matter: Once lost but now found

    New observations confirm that most of the visible matter in the universe lies hidden in vast, hard-to-detect gas clouds between galaxies.

  12. Astronomy

    Icy Split: Comet fragments into 19 pieces

    A comet has split into 19 fragments strung out along a million-kilometer-long chain.
