Search Results for: Bear

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6,752 results
  1. Animals

    Ximena Velez-Liendo is saving Andean bears with honey

    By training beekeepers, biologist Ximena Velez-Liendo is helping rural agricultural communities of southern Bolivia coexist with Andean bears.

  2. Striving to break the global grip of malnutrition

    Editor in chief Nancy Shute discusses the quest for solutions in challenges such as childhood malnutrition, Andean bear conservation and assessing AI’s cognition.

  3. Materials Science

    A fiber inspired by polar bears traps heat as well as down feathers do

    Scientists took a cue from polar bear fur to turn an ultralight insulating material into knittable thread.

  4. Readers discuss black holes’ trippy effects on time, banned swimsuits

  5. Paleontology

    Meet Lokiceratops, a newly discovered species of horned dinosaur

    Found in Montana’s badlands, Lokiceratops had two large, bladelike horns jutting forward and out from between its eyes.

  6. Chemistry

    Here’s how tardigrades go into suspended animation

    A new study offers more clues about the role of oxidation in signaling transitions between alive and mostly dead in tardigrades.

  7. Animals

    Explore the past, present and future of ‘Eight Bears’

    The book invites readers to meet the eight species of bears left on Earth and looks at how humans are shaping their future, for better or for worse.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Bird flu has infected a person after spreading to cows. Here’s what to know

    H5N1 has wreaked havoc on birds around the globe and occasionally made the jump to mammals, including cows. The risk to people remains low.

  9. Climate

    Summer-like heat is scorching the Southern Hemisphere — in winter

    Warmer winters are fast becoming a global phenomenon and can affect everything from the food we grow to the spread of diseases.

  10. Animals

    In a first, these bats were found to have toes that glow

    Hairs on the toes of Mexican free-tailed bats fluoresce under UV light, a new study reports. The function of the toe glow is unknown.

  11. Planetary Science

    Sulfur was key to the first water on Earth

    Hydrogen bonded with sulfur may have given our world its first water after the hydrogen broke away and joined with oxygen in the planet’s crust.

  12. Life

    Mega El Niños kicked off the world’s worst mass extinction

    Long-lasting, widespread heat and weather extremes may have caused the Great Dying extinction event 252 million years ago.
