Editor's Note

  1. Earth

    Science can save lives, but only if society lets it

    Society faces lots of problems that science can’t yet fix. But there are also plenty of cases in which scientists know enough to avert tragedy.

  2. Cosmology

    Gravitational wave detection a big day for the Big Bang

    On a snowy St. Patrick’s Day, our offices officially shut down by a late-winter storm, the Science News staff was abuzz over the biggest thing since the Higgs boson. On March 17, scientists announced the first direct evidence of the theory of cosmic inflation: primordial gravitational waves.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Beating addiction: impossible or surprisingly common?

    Addiction may be a dysfunctional if temporary coping strategy, clouds may not reduce global warming and other stories from the March 22 issue.

  4. Materials Science

    Making it work, on paper and just maybe in practice

    Last spring, Science News reported on the lack of progress by the main U.S. nuclear fusion effort. As the researchers still contend, laser-initiated fusion should work. It works on paper. But in practice, even a set of extremely powerful lasers failed to trigger the fusion of hydrogen nuclei and the concomitant chain reaction and release of net energy expected.

  5. Neuroscience

    Big science for lean times

    The greatest promises of brain research — a cellular description of thought and behavior and, even more importantly, strategies to battle disorders of the brain — have yet to be fulfilled. Making good on those promises is the motivation behind the federal BRAIN Initiative.

  6. Agriculture

    Dealing with change, climate and otherwise

    Wine, DNA, our understanding of the universe: It's all changing, whether we are ready for it or not.

  7. Earth

    Creativity offers insights into the past and future

    With the long-term future of many fisheries in doubt and severe drought once again hitting the Southwest, coming up with new insights into the past and future on land and sea may be crucial to protecting some of our most precious resources.

  8. Microbes

    A newfound respect for the microbial world

    Despite what many people think about humans’ place in the scheme of things, scientists are finding more evidence that we live in a world of microbes.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Microbiome emerges as a clear breakthrough

  10. Genetics

    Exploring dog origins with data and a dose of imagination

  11. Science & Society

    U.S. science funding sends young people a mixed message

    I think science, and more specifically scientific thinking, is the most powerful tool for understanding the world. Everyone should learn how to think like a scientist.

  12. Humans

    Medicine’s future inspired by science fiction
