By Science News
NASA’s source
In “Cooling climate ‘consensus’ of 1970s never was” (SN: 10/25/08, p. 5), Science News includes a graph, attributed to NASA, that shows temperature deviations from the year 1880. The data clearly indicate a distinct warming trend throughout the period. Why is it that over the past two years I have very painstakingly researched the data from more than 200 weather stations from every continent, including more than 20 north of the Arctic Circle, and I haven’t found a single one that indicates a trend that even remotely resembles that represented by the graph in your article? The difference between my primary research and the data from NASA is disconcerting.
As a high school environmental science teacher, I don’t know whether to teach my students of the threat of global warming or of the terrible hoax being played by the world’s scientists in whom we entrust so much. Will someone please provide the locations of specific weather stations that indicate the trend shown by the NASA graph, instead of just showing NASA’s compilation of weather station data?
Edward Amatetti