Darren Incorvaia

Darren Incorvaia is a writer and comedian. His writing has also appeared in Scientific American, Discover Magazine, and Reductress. He has a Ph.D. in ecology, evolution, and behavior from Michigan State University. His favorite animal is all of them.

All Stories by Darren Incorvaia

  1. Animals

    The newfound Los Angeles thread millipede is ready for its close-up

    Found in Southern California, Illacme socal is the third of its genus found in North America, with the rest of its relatives scattered around the world.

  2. Math

    How geometry solves architectural problems for bees and wasps

    Adding five - and seven - sided cells in pairs during nest building helps the colonyfit together differently sized hexa gonal cells , a new study shows.

  3. Animals

    These researchers are reimagining animal behavior through a feminist lens

    Ambika Kamath and Melina Packer are working to overturn biased, outdated views in biology.

  4. Animals

    When and why did masturbation evolve in primates? A new study provides clues

    In a first-of-its-kind comparative study, researchers show that primates were masturbating 40 million years ago and that the behavior may help males keep their sperm fresh.

  5. Humans

    Race car drivers tend to blink at the same places in each lap

    Blinking is thought to occur randomly, but a new study tracking blinks in racing drivers shows it can be predictable — and strategic.

  6. Animals

    This sea cucumber shoots sticky tubes out of its butt. Its genes hint at how

    A new genetics study is providing a wealth of information about silky, sticky tubes, called the Cuvierian organ, that sea cucumbers use to tangle foes.

  7. Climate

    Baseball’s home run boom is due, in part, to climate change

    Higher air temperatures led to an average of 58 more home runs each MLB season from 2010 to 2019, a study shows.

  8. Animals

    A ‘fire wolf’ fish could expand what we know about one unusual deep-sea ecosystem

    Unlike other known methane seeps, Jacó Scar is slightly warmer than the surrounding water and is a home for both cold-loving and heat-loving organisms.

  9. Health & Medicine

    A new treatment could restore some mobility in people paralyzed by strokes

    Electrodes placed along the spine helped two stroke patients in a small pilot study regain control of their hands and arms almost immediately.

  10. Animals

    Here are 3 people-animal collaborations besides dolphins and Brazilians

    Dolphins working with people to catch fish recently made a big splash. But humans and other animals have cooperated throughout history.

  11. Animals

    Prairie voles can find partners just fine without the ‘love hormone’ oxytocin

    Researchers knocked out prairie voles’ oxytocin detection system. They weren’t expecting what happened next.

  12. Animals

    A rare rabbit plays an important ecological role by spreading seeds

    Rabbits aren’t thought of as seed dispersers, but the Amami rabbit of Japan has now been recorded munching on a plant’s seeds and pooping them out.