Erin Wayman

Erin Wayman

Managing Editor, Print and Longform

Erin Wayman is Science News’ managing editor for print and longform. She previously served as the production editor and reported on earth and environmental sciences for the magazine. A former primatologist-in-training, Erin decided to leave monkey-watching behind after a close run-in with angry peccaries in Ecuador. Once she completed her master’s degree in biological anthropology at the University of California, Davis, she switched careers and earned a master’s in science writing at Johns Hopkins University. Erin was previously an associate editor at EARTH and an assistant editor at Smithsonian magazine, where she blogged about human evolution. Her work has also appeared in New Scientist, Slate, ScienceNOW and Current Anthropology.

All Stories by Erin Wayman

  1. Climate

    Rising carbon dioxide means more air turbulence

    More jarring flights are likely, simulation suggests.

  2. Earth

    How the West was done

    The tectonic history of North America’s Pacific Rim gets even more jumbled.

  3. Humankind’s destructive streak may be older than the species itself

    Some scientists have proposed designating a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene, that would cover the period since humans became the predominant environmental force on the planet. But when would you have it begin? Some geologists argue that the Anthropocene began with the Industrial Revolution, when fossil fuel consumption started influencing climate. Others point back several […]

  4. Earth

    In Antarctica, melting may beget ice

    Disintegration of floating glaciers could be responsible for freezing of seawater.

  5. Earth

    Kansas was unbearably hot 270 million years ago

    Temperatures soared to nearly 74 degrees Celsius, which no plants or animals could endure.

  6. Earth

    Landslides detected from afar

    Seismic fingerprints can reveal that a rock avalanche has occurred in a remote location.

  7. Earth

    Extreme storm surges may occur more often

    Climate simulations suggest hurricane-caused flooding will increase in frequency as temperatures warm.

  8. Planetary Science

    Distant planets’ atmospheres revealed

    Telescopes get first direct glimpse of gases on exoplanets.

  9. Earth

    Canada’s ice shrinking rapidly

    Melt from Arctic Archipelago will raise sea levels by 3.5 centimeters.

  10. Life

    Camel ancestors lived in the Arctic

    Fossils on Ellesmere Island suggest famous desert dweller got its start in cold regions.

  11. Life

    Impact craters may have been a toasty home for early life

    The heat generated during a cosmic crash could have nurtured ancient organisms.

  12. Humans

    Origins of alcohol consumption traced to ape ancestor

    Eating fermented fruit off the ground may have paved way for ability to digest ethanol.