Ivars Peterson

All Stories by Ivars Peterson

  1. Math

    Computers by the Trillions

    The notion of using molecules as the working elements of a computer goes back several decades. It wasn’t until 1994, however, that anyone actually stepped into a laboratory and succeeded in solving a computational problem in a test tube. That was when computer scientist Leonard M. Adleman of the University of Southern California, using techniques […]

  2. Math

    How Far Away?

    As you look around, you constantly make decisions about how far away something is–whether it’s a dog sniffing at a nearby tree or a friend down the street. If you were a surveyor, you could measure angles and then use high-school trigonometry to calculate distances. That’s great for drawing a map or establishing property lines, […]

  3. Math

    How Far Away?

    As you look around, you constantly make decisions about how far away something is–whether it’s a dog sniffing at a nearby tree or a friend down the street. If you were a surveyor, you could measure angles and then use high-school trigonometry to calculate distances. That’s great for drawing a map or establishing property lines, […]

  4. Math

    Guessing Cards

    Card-guessing tricks give a magician the opportunity to show off his or her mind-reading prowess. In many cases, the illusion of mind reading arises not from sleight of hand but as a consequence of some mathematical principle. One of the most startling of such prediction tricks is known as the Kruskal count, named for Rutgers […]

  5. Math

    Polyhedron Man

    Mathematician and artist George Hart has created a variety of sculptures based on polyhedra and collaborated with other researchers to define and visualize new geometric shapes.

  6. Math

    Searchers capture a champion megaprime

    A participant in the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search set the record for the largest known prime number, which runs to 4,053,946 decimal digits.

  7. Math

    The Math Hatter and More

    Looking for a cool gift for someone mathematically inclined? An unusual, conversation-generating token of appreciation? The World Wide Web offers a number of intriguing possibilities–if you know where to stop and shop. Metro cars in action. Smart Mouth letter dispenser. Original Stonehenge watch. A little ad in a mathematics newsletter recently alerted me to the […]

  8. Math

    The Math Hatter and More

    Looking for a cool gift for someone mathematically inclined? An unusual, conversation-generating token of appreciation? The World Wide Web offers a number of intriguing possibilities–if you know where to stop and shop. Metro cars in action. Smart Mouth letter dispenser. Original Stonehenge watch. A little ad in a mathematics newsletter recently alerted me to the […]

  9. Math

    Knot Possible

    Knot theorists are getting closer to their goal of developing practical procedures for distinguishing knotted curves from unknotted ones.

  10. Math

    Canary Songs

    All it takes to sing like a canary is good breath and muscle control. Simply by manipulating air pressure and muscle tension in its vocal organ, or syrinx, a canary can generate an amazingly varied repertoire of trills, warbles, and other melodic syllables. This insight comes from a novel mathematical model of sound production in […]

  11. Math

    Canary Songs

    All it takes to sing like a canary is good breath and muscle control. Simply by manipulating air pressure and muscle tension in its vocal organ, or syrinx, a canary can generate an amazingly varied repertoire of trills, warbles, and other melodic syllables. This insight comes from a novel mathematical model of sound production in […]

  12. Computing

    Sneaky Calculations

    The same communication system that brings you the Web page of your choice can be exploited to perform computations.