Lisa Grossman is the astronomy writer for Science News. Previously she was a news editor at New Scientist, where she ran the physical sciences section of the magazine for three years. Before that, she spent three years at New Scientist as a reporter, covering space, physics and astronomy. She has a degree in astronomy from Cornell University and a graduate certificate in science writing from UC Santa Cruz. Lisa was a finalist for the AGU David Perlman Award for Excellence in Science Journalism, and received the Institute of Physics/Science and Technology Facilities Council physics writing award and the AAS Solar Physics Division Popular Writing Award. She interned at Science News in 2009-2010.

All Stories by Lisa Grossman

  1. Astronomy

    Here is Cassini’s last broad look at the Saturn system

    Two days before plunging into Saturn, Cassini took a mosaic image of the gas giant, its rings and its moons.

  2. Science & Society

    A new map exhibit documents evolving views of Earth’s interior

    "Beneath Our Feet" puts maps on display to show how people have envisioned and explored Earth’s subsurface.

  3. Astronomy

    The Arecibo Observatory will remain open, NSF says

    The iconic Arecibo radio telescope has survived Hurricane Maria and dodged deep funding cuts.

  4. Astronomy

    Haze keeps Pluto cool by kicking heat out to space

    Pluto may be the only place in the solar system whose atmosphere is kept cool by solid hazes, not warmed by gas.

  5. Astronomy

    New camera on Palomar telescope will seek out supernovas, asteroids and more

    The Zwicky Transient Facility at Palomar Observatory in California will seek supernovas, black holes and asteroids.

  6. Astronomy

    Ancient spiral galaxy is 11 billion years old

    The most ancient spiral galaxy seen to date is 11 billion years old and could help reveal how galaxies sprout arms.

  7. Astronomy

    This star cheated death, exploding again and again

    The weirdest supernova ever has lasted more than three years, and may be the third outburst from the same star.

  8. Astronomy

    A sandy core may have kept Enceladus’ ocean warm

    Friction in Enceladus’ porous core could help heat its ocean enough to keep it liquid for billions of years.

  9. Astronomy

    The way hungry young stars suck in food keeps most X-rays in, too

    The columns of plasma that feed growing stars develop an extra layer that keeps X-rays in.

  10. Astronomy

    Hot, rocky exoplanets are the scorched cores of former gas giants

    Hot, rocky exoplanets are probably the scorched cores of former gas giants, so astronomers shouldn’t trust them for information about true Earth twins.

  11. Astronomy

    An interstellar asteroid might have just been spotted for the first time

    A newly spotted asteroid might be the first known to come from outside the solar system, and it could carry information about the makeup of alien planet systems.

  12. Cosmology

    What detecting gravitational waves means for the expansion of the universe

    The latest LIGO signal proves that gravitational waves travel at the speed of light, ruling out a swath of cosmological theories in the process.