Maria Temming

Maria Temming

Assistant Managing Editor, Science News Explores

Previously the staff writer for physical sciences at Science News, Maria Temming is the assistant managing editor at Science News Explores. She has undergraduate degrees in physics and English from Elon University and a master's degree in science writing from MIT. She has written for Scientific AmericanSky & Telescope and NOVA Next. She’s also a former Science News intern.

All Stories by Maria Temming

  1. Tech

    A mini chemical lab could one day test for toxic nerve agents in the field

    Portable lab equipment that detects nerve agents could help judge when it’s safe to return to previously exposed areas.

  2. Earth

    How ancient oceans of magma may have boosted Earth’s oxygen levels

    Chemical reactions involving iron could have increased the amount of oxygen-rich compounds in the early Earth’s mantle, lab experiments suggest.

  3. Tech

    A chip made with carbon nanotubes, not silicon, marks a computing milestone

    Silicon’s reign in cutting-edge electronics may soon over. The carbon nanotube could be its successor.

  4. Chemistry

    Plant-based fire retardants may offer a less toxic way to tame flames

    Flame retardants created from plant materials could be less harmful to the environment than traditional flame-smothering chemicals.

  5. Climate

    Climate change may make El Niño and La Niña less predictable

    Atlantic Niñas and Niños have been fairly reliable bellwethers for severe El Niño and La Niña events in the Pacific. A warming world may change that.

  6. Earth

    Fluid in superdeep diamonds may be from some of Earth’s oldest unchanged material

    Primordial rock deep in the mantle and dating to just after Earth’s formation could yield insights about the planet’s formation and evolution

  7. Space

    A planetary body may have smashed into Jupiter, creating its weird core

    A planetary body smashing into Jupiter may have jostled the gas giant’s insides during its formative years, creating the strange interior seen today.

  8. Astronomy

    Giant, active galaxies from the early universe may have finally been found

    Overlooked galaxies from when the universe was younger than 2 billion years old could be the ancestors of other ancient and modern monster galaxies.

  9. Earth

    A new map is the best view yet of how fast Antarctica is shedding ice

    Stitching together data from several satellite missions allowed scientists to create the most comprehensive map of Antarctic ice flow ever.

  10. Tech

    Tiny magnetic coils could help break down microplastic pollution

    Carbon nanotubes designed to release plastic-eroding chemicals could clear the long-lasting trash from waterways.

  11. Materials Science

    Permanent liquid magnets have now been created in the lab

    Magnets that generate persistent magnetic fields are usually solid. But new little bar magnets have the mechanical properties of liquids.

  12. Tech

    50 years ago, lambs survived but didn’t thrive inside artificial wombs

    Artificial wombs to support preemie babies are closer to reality.