Search Results for: Pandas

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214 results
  1. Ecosystems

    How mammoths competed with other animals and lost

    Mammoths, mastodons and other ancient elephants were wiped out at the end of the last ice age by climate change and spear-wielding humans.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Anesthesia for youngsters is a tricky calculation

    Scientists, doctors and parents face uncertainty when it comes to anesthesia for babies.

  3. Animals

    Why create a model of mammal defecation? Because everyone poops

    Mammals that defecate in the same fashion as humans all excrete waste within the same time frame, no matter their size, a new study finds.

  4. Particle Physics

    Latest dark matter searches leave scientists empty-handed

    As the most popular candidates for dark matter fail to show up in detectors, scientists are broadening the search.

  5. Animals

    Panda stalking reveals panda hangouts

    Scientists used GPS trackers to learn about the giant panda lifestyle.

  6. Animals

    As panda baby grows, mom’s milk changes

    In the first month after a mama panda gives birth, her milk changes in composition, a new study finds.

  7. Animals

    Twin pandas look forward to growth spurts

    The surviving panda twin born at the National Zoo last weekend will undergo DNA tests to discover paternity.

  8. Animals

    Giant pandas live in the slow lane

    Giant pandas burn far less energy than similarly sized land mammals.

  9. Animals

    Pandas’ gut bacteria resemble carnivores’

    Unlike other vegetarians, the bamboo eaters lack plant-digesting microbes.

  10. Animals

    Don’t judge a whale’s gut microbiome by diet alone

    Evolutionary history and diet may both determine the microbes that live in a baleen whale's stomach, researchers report.

  11. Life

    For people, mealtime is all the time

    People eat for most of their waking hours, which may affect sleep and weight.

  12. Particle Physics

    Dark matter helped destroy the dinosaurs, physicist posits

    In ‘Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs,’ Lisa Randall finds connections between particle physics, cosmology, geology and paleontology.
