Search Results for: Bears

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6,789 results

6,789 results for: Bears

  1. Climate

    A ruinous hailstorm in Spain may have been supercharged by warming seas

    Giant hail that pummeled northeast Spain in August 2022 could not have formed without climate change, computer simulations suggest.

  2. Animals

    A frog’s story of surviving a fungal pandemic offers hope for other species

    Evolving immunity to the Bd fungus and a reintroduction project saved a California frog. The key to rescuing other species might be in the frog’s genes.

  3. Genetics

    Freeze-drying turned a woolly mammoth’s DNA into 3-D ‘chromoglass’

    A new technique for probing the 3-D structure of ancient DNA may help scientists learn how extinct animals functioned, not just what they looked like.

  4. Animals

    Seen Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster? Data suggest the odds are low

    Floe Foxon is a data scientist by day. But in his free time, he applies his skills to astronomy, cryptology and sightings of mythical creatures.

  5. Environment

    ‘The High Seas’ tells of the many ways humans are laying claim to the ocean

    The book explains how the race for ocean resources from fish to ores to new medicines — the Blue Acceleration — is playing out.

  6. Earth

    Mantle waves buoy continents upward and bedeck them with diamonds

    A phenomenon occurring deep underground may explain how vast plateaus form far away from tectonic plate boundaries.

  7. Life

    A vaccine for bees has an unexpected effect

    Honeybees vaccinated against a bacterial disease were also protected from a viral disease.

  8. Anthropology

    How does a fossil become a superstar? Just ask Lucy.

    Geologic good fortune, skilled scientific scrutiny and a catchy name turned Lucy into an evolutionary icon.

  9. Planetary Science

    Saturn’s ‘Death Star’ moon might contain a hidden ocean

    A fresh look at Cassini data reveals slight changes in the tiny moon’s orbit that suggest the presence of a vast ocean beneath the satellite’s icy shell.

  10. Science & Society

    These are Science News’ favorite books of 2023

    Books about deadly fungi, the science of preventing roadkill, trips to other planets and the true nature of math grabbed our attention this year.

  11. Paleontology

    Earth’s largest ape went extinct 100,000 years earlier than once thought

    Habitat changes drove the demise of Gigantopithecus blacki, a new study reports. The find could hold clues for similarly imperiled orangutans.

  12. Planetary Science

    Our picture of habitability on Europa, a top contender for hosting life, is changing

    The moon of Jupiter is considered one of the most promising places to look for life, but its subsurface ocean may be less habitable than once thought.
