
  1. Chemistry

    Molecular Chemistry Takes a New Twist

    New calculations show that a basic tenet of chemistry is wrong: Ethane forms its most stable structure not due to so-called steric effects, but because of a quantum mechanical influence.

  2. Chemistry

    Designer surface proves deadly to bacteria

    Researchers have made a surface coating that kills bacteria on contact in a novel way.

  3. Chemistry

    Cosmic Chemistry Gets Creative

    By simulating extraterrestrial impacts on Earth, researchers are firing away at the question of how life started.

  4. Chemistry

    Rocks May Have Given a Hand to Life

    In a new twist to the puzzle of how life developed from only left-handed amino acids, researchers have found that the common mineral calcite can segregate the molecules into their left-handed and right-handed varieties.

  5. Chemistry

    Liver cells thrive on novel silicon chips

    Researchers have coaxed finicky liver cells to grow on porous silicon chips, a feat that could lead to new medical treatments.

  6. Chemistry

    Leaden news for city neighborhoods

    Researchers have identified more than 400 urban sites that may be highly contaminated with lead but had remained unknown to authorities for decades.

  7. Chemistry

    Would you like wheat with that burger?

    Researchers have used wheat to make a biodegradable hamburger carton.

  8. Chemistry

    Research shows why water acts weird

    A new technique shows a link between water's unusual physical properties and its abnormal molecular structure.

  9. Chemistry

    New all-metal molecules ape organics

    Researchers have stumbled upon the first all-metal, aromatic molecules.

  10. Chemistry

    New solution for kitchen germs

    Cooking will kill almost any microbe. But when it comes to serving raw foods, such as the vegetables in a garden salad, neutralizing germs with heat is not an option and washing the greens doesn’t reliably disinfect. Although raw produce can be sanitized in a bath of dilute bleach, a team of Georgia scientists is […]

  11. Chemistry

    The End of Good Science?

    Some chemists are sharing their research results more quickly and broadly as they begin to venture into electronic archives, where they can immediately post new, unreviewed papers, as physicists have done for a decade; others think such archives could mean the end of reliable chemistry research.

  12. Chemistry

    New technique makes water droplets sprint

    A newly developed process encourages water droplets at the hydrophobic center of a wafer to speed outward to a water-friendly edge.
