
  1. Earth

    A slump or a slide? Density decides

    Using a full-scale simulator, researchers showed that just a small difference in soil density determines whether a landslide becomes a fast-moving killer or merely one that slowly slumps downhill.

  2. Earth

    Weather Wise: Model may predict El Niño up to 2 years in advance

    A new version of a climate-prediction model that includes detailed interactions between the oceans and the atmosphere could be used to foresee the onset of the climate-altering phenomenon known as El Niño.

  3. Earth

    Inhaling your food—and its cooking fuel

    Cooking emits easily inhaled pollutants that travel throughout a home and can linger for hours.

  4. Earth

    Tales of the Undammed

    Although destroying dams is often presumed to restore rivers, the results of such action are actually mixed, according to recent studies.

  5. Earth

    Night space images show development

    Scientists may have come up with a way to use satellite images taken at night to estimate the rate of population growth in fire-prone areas and thereby better assess fire risk to specific groups of residents.

  6. Earth

    New U.N. treaty on toxic exports

    The United Nations enacted a new treaty to ban exportation of any of a list of toxic chemicals without the prior informed consent of an importing nation.

  7. Earth

    Smoking out a source of painful menses

    Breathing in secondhand smoke may contribute to the development of menstrual cramps.

  8. Earth

    Allergic to computing?

    The plastic cases of certain computer monitors emit a chemical—triphenyl phosphate—that can cause allergic reactions.

  9. Earth

    Flaws make it a geologist’s best friend

    By analyzing some of a diamond's trapped impurities, researchers were able to measure remnants of the gargantuan pressure that produced the gem.

  10. Earth

    Diesel fumes suppress immune response

    Recurring exposure to soot particles from diesel exhaust fumes reduces the immune system's capacity to fend off infection, tests on rodents indicate.

  11. Earth

    Pompeii debris yields calamity clues

    The magnetic characteristics of rocks and debris excavated from Pompeii reveal the changing temperatures of the volcanic ash cloud that smothered the Italian city in A.D. 79.

  12. Earth

    Deep Pacific waters warmed in recent years

    Oceanographic data gathered across the North Pacific in 1985 and again in 1999 indicate that the deepest waters there have been heating up.
