
  1. Life

    Protect biodiversity hot spots and the rest will follow

  2. Ecosystems

    Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet by Oliver Morton

    HarperCollins, 2008, 460 p., $28.95.

  3. Life

    Fat cells also linked to prion infection

    Disease-causing misfolded proteins at home in a growing list of tissues, organs.

  4. Life

    Spanish Inquisition couldn’t quash Moorish, Jewish genes

    Finding suggests modern history, not just prehistory, can leave a strong mark on a region’s genetic signature.

  5. Life

    Funny smell may have split bee species

    Among male bees that create their own perfume, a change in the sense of smell might mean a split in species.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Protein found to set the heart’s cadence

    Researchers have discovered a molecular metronome that sets the rhythm of the heart and blood pressure.

  7. Earth

    Antidepressants make for sad fish

    Fish may suffer substantially from even brief encounters with antidepressants, which wastewater releases into river water.

  8. Animals

    Lizard push-ups grab attention

    Nearby lizards more likely to get the message if its preceded by push-ups

  9. Paleontology

    Bacteria may play big role in forming fossils

    Bacteria can build a biofilm that preserves a tissue's structure.

  10. Life

    Protein crucial in preventing Parkinson’s

    By destroying bad mitochondria, Parkin protects cells

  11. Life

    Mammoth genome approaching completion

    Genetic material extracted from the hair of woolly mammoths has revealed new information about the extinct creatures, including how closely related they are to modern elephants.

  12. Health & Medicine

    This is the teenager’s brain on peer pressure

    Research shared during the fourth day of the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting remained diverse: What happens in the brain when teenagers feel peer pressure, a study in mice suggesting a new way to treat depression, the best way to relearn walking after a stroke, and the long lasting effects of disrupted sleep.
