
  1. Animals

    Fishy Reputations: Undersea watchers choose helpers that do good jobs

    Coral reef fish use smart-shopper techniques of looking for satisfied customers before choosing a small fish to provide cleaning services.

  2. Plants

    Herbal therapy for beleaguered lawns

    Mustard and other herbal remedies can thwart turf attacks by root-feeding roundworms.

  3. Animals

    Naked and Not

    The Damaraland mole rat may be less famous than its naked cousin, but both have some of the oddest social structures found in a mammal.

  4. Paleontology

    Ancient webbed masters

    Newly unearthed fossils of a 110-million-year-old bolster the notion that all modern birds evolved from aquatic ancestors.

  5. Animals

    Mixed Butterflies: Tropical species joins ranks of rare hybrids

    A South American butterfly is one of the few animal species that seems to have arisen via the supposedly rare path of crossing two older species.

  6. Paleontology

    Amphibious Ancestors

    Newly discovered fossils from Greenland, as well as a reexamination of those of previously known creatures, are providing researchers with additional insights into ancient vertebrates' move from water to land.

  7. Animals

    Leggiest Animal: Champ millipede located after 79-year gap

    A millipede species that can grow up to 750 legs has turned up in California after decades with no sightings.

  8. Animals

    Walking on Water: Tree frog’s foot uses dual method to stick

    The tree frog can cling to both wet and dry terrains, despite its permanently lubricated foot.

  9. Animals

    Lobster Hygiene: Healthy animals quick to spot another’s ills

    Caribbean spiny lobsters will avoid sharing a den with another lobster that's coming down with a viral disease.

  10. Ecosystems

    Top-Down Lowdown: Predators shape coastal ecosystem

    The health of southern California kelp forests may depend more on the ecosystem's predator population than the forest's access to nutrients.

  11. Animals

    True-pal lizards may show odd gene

    Colorful lizards in California may offer an example of a long-sought evolutionary factor called greenbeard genes, a possible explanation for altruism.

  12. Animals

    Jay Watch: Birds get sneakier when spies lurk

    A scrub jay storing food takes note of any other jay that watches it and later defends the hoard accordingly.
