
  1. Animals

    The moon drives the migration of Arctic zooplankton

    In the darkness of the Arctic winter, the moon replaces the sun as the driver of zooplankton migration, a new study finds.

  2. Oceans

    Phytoplankton flunk photosynthesis efficiency test

    Nutrient-poor ocean waters make phytoplankton photosynthesis inefficient

  3. Animals

    Fog ferries mercury from the ocean to land animals

    Scientists have traced mercury in the waters of the Pacific Ocean to animals, including mountain lions, in California.

  4. Climate

    Ice rafts traveling farther and faster across the Arctic Ocean

    Climate change may be causing Arctic sea ice to travel farther and faster than it did 15 years ago, taking pollutants and other material along for the ride.

  5. Animals

    Algal toxin impairs sea lion memory

    California sea lions that have brain damage linked to domoic acid poisoning have impaired spatial memory, a new study finds.

  6. Climate

    Thinning ice leads to winter warming in the Arctic

    Thinning Arctic sea ice could boost heat-trapping water vapor in the air during autumn and winter, leading to more ice loss.

  7. Life

    ‘Racing Extinction’ documents plight of endangered species

    The new documentary "Racing Extinction" offers hope that people can halt the sixth mass extinction.

  8. Oceans

    Rising temperatures complicate efforts to manage cod fishery

    Higher water temperatures in the Gulf of Maine could play a role in Atlantic cod crashes.

  9. Paleontology

    300 million-year-old giant shark swam the Texas seas

    Fossil find shows oldest known ‘supershark,’ about the size of a limo, prowled the ocean 300 million years ago.

  10. Oceans

    Oxygen in Black Sea has declined by more than a third since 1955

    The Black Sea’s oxygen-rich surface layer shrank by more than a third from 1955 through 2013, compressing marine habitats and bringing toxic hydrogen sulfide closer to the surface.

  11. Oceans

    Widespread coral bleaching threatens world’s reefs

    The world’s corals are experiencing their third major bleaching event in 17 years.

  12. Animals

    What happens to animals in a hurricane?

    Hurricanes can be devastating to animals on land and in the sea, but they can also provide opportunities.
