Quantum Physics

  1. Particle Physics

    How a proton gets its spin is surprisingly complicated

    Pinning down the source of protons’ spin is surprisingly hard to do.

  2. Quantum Physics

    LIGO will be getting a quantum upgrade

    Quantum squeezing of light will help scientists make better gravitational wave detectors.

  3. Quantum Physics

    Photons reveal a weird effect called the quantum pigeonhole paradox

    Quantum particles seem to disobey a fundamental principle of mathematics.

  4. Quantum Physics

    ‘Beyond Weird’ and ‘What Is Real?’ try to make sense of quantum weirdness

    The books ‘Beyond Weird’ and ‘What is Real?’ have different perspectives on what quantum physics says about reality.

  5. Quantum Physics

    Physicists wrangled electrons into a quantum fractal

    The tiny, repeating structure could reveal weird behavior of electrons in fractional dimensions.

  6. Quantum Physics

    Douglas Stanford probes the chaos inside black holes

    Theoretical physicist Douglas Stanford is linking some of the most massive objects known to the quantum realm.

  7. Quantum Physics

    Rubidium atoms mimic the Eiffel Tower, a Möbius strip and other 3-D shapes

    Scientists have arranged atoms of the element rubidium into complex three-dimensional structures.

  8. Quantum Physics

    Quantum computer simulates two types of bizarre materials

    In calculations involving about 2,000 quantum bits, a D-Wave machine reproduced the behavior of exotic substances.

  9. Quantum Physics

    A new quantum device defies the concepts of ‘before’ and ‘after’

    Two events can happen in different orders at the same time, thanks to quantum physics.

  10. Materials Science

    Designer diamonds could one day help build a quantum internet

    A new design in artificial diamonds stores and releases quantum information better than others.

  11. Quantum Physics

    Mini machines can evade friction by taking quantum shortcuts

    Special maneuvers allow researchers to create tiny machines that are as efficient as possible.

  12. Quantum Physics

    A tiny version of this physics toy is revealing quantum secrets

    Scientists created a quantum Newton’s cradle to study thermal equilibrium.
