Search Results for: Frogs

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1,322 results
  1. Readers discuss tardigrades, poison dart frogs and more

  2. Animals

    American bullfrogs may be threatening a rare frog species in Brazil

    A search for environmental DNA from critically endangered Pithecopus rusticus frogs turned up DNA from invasive American bullfrogs instead.

  3. Life

    Here’s how poison dart frogs safely hoard toxins in their skin

    A protein found in frog bodies may help the amphibians collect and transport toxins from their food to their skin for chemical defense.

  4. Animals

    The Brazilian flea toad may be the world’s smallest vertebrate

    Brazilian flea toads are neither a flea nor a toad, but they are almost flea-sized. The frogs are small enough to fit on a pinkie fingernail.

  5. Life

    Some picky Australian mosquitoes may target frog nostrils for blood

    The insects seem to sip from nowhere else on frogs’ bodies. Thinner skin or denser blood vessels near the nostrils might explain why.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Messed-up metabolism during development may lead guts to coil the wrong way

    Tadpoles exposed to a metabolism-disrupting herbicide had malformed intestines, providing clues to a human condition called intestinal malrotation.

  7. Life

    Faking death lets some female frogs slip the mating grip of a male

    Suddenly looking dead, grunting like a guy or vigorously rotating can help female frogs survive mating balls in species with aggressively grabby males.

  8. Animals

    The right bacterial mix could help frogs take the heat

    Wood frog tadpoles that receive a transplant of green frog bacteria can swim in warm waters, revealing another role for microbiomes: heat tolerance.

  9. Life

    Many frogs glow in blue light, and it may be a secret, eerie language

    Biofluorescence is far more common across frog species than previously thought. The faint twilight glow could have a role in communication or mating.

  10. Animals

    A global report finds amphibians are still in peril. But it’s not all bad news

    A survey of about 8,000 amphibian species provides the latest update on extinction risk trends stretching back to 1980.

  11. Animals

    See 3-D models of animal anatomy from openVertebrate’s public collection

    Over six years, researchers took CT scans of over 13,000 vertebrates to make museum collections more easily accessible to researchers and the public.

  12. Readers discuss net-zero carbon emissions and glass frogs
