
  1. Humans

    Unfounded Fear: Scared to fly after 9/11? Don’t reach for the car keys

    A new analysis of transportation in the United States shows that flying remains a much safer way to travel than driving, even when airline fatalities resulting from the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks are included.

  2. Animals

    Stalking Larvae: How an ancient sea creature grows up

    Scientists have finally observed living larvae of a sea lily, an ancient marine invertebrate related to starfish.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Determined at Birth? Kidney makeup may set hypertension risk

    People lacking a full complement of blood-filtering nephrons in their kidneys at birth are at increased risk of developing high blood pressure.

  4. Ragweed may boom with global warming

    An experiment that includes artificially heating plots of tallgrass prairie suggests that global warming could boost growth of ragweed, putting more pollen into the air for allergy sufferers.

  5. Speech veers left in babies’ brains

    The beginnings of left-brain specialization for speech understanding appear in 2-to-3-month-old babies as they listen to an adult talk, according to a new brain-scan investigation.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Researchers target sickle-cell cure

    Using stem cell transplants and a compound called antithymocyte globulin, researchers in Paris have cured 59 of 69 children of sickle-cell disease.

  7. Earth

    Rivers run to it

    Increasing freshwater discharges into Arctic waters could disrupt important patterns of deep-water ocean circulation that affect climate.

  8. Chemistry

    Soy and oat combo protects against UV

    Soybean oil and a natural chemical in oat bran have been chemically combined to make a new sunscreen.

  9. A fish’s solution to broken hearts

    The zebrafish can regenerate missing heart muscle.

  10. Astronomy

    Model Tracks Storms from the Sun

    Teams of astronomers have developed a reliable method for predicting the time it takes for solar storms to arrive at Earth and have gathered observations confirming a model of how the sun's outer atmosphere, or corona, manages to store up enough magnetic energy to induce these upheavals.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Double cord-blood transplant helps cancer patients

    Two umbilical-cord-blood transplants may work better than one for cancer patients.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Clear Skin: Injections counteract psoriasis in patients

    Injections of an immune system protein called interleukin-4 can alleviate skin problems in people with psoriasis.
