
  1. Health & Medicine

    Alzheimer’s vaccine trial is suspended

    A drug company in Ireland has halted tests of an experimental vaccine for Alzheimer's disease.

  2. Tech

    Itsy chain turns bitsy gears

    A tiny chain with links the size of biological cells offers a new way to deliver power to micromachines.

  3. Disorder Decline: U.S. mental ills take controversial dip

    Far fewer people suffer from mental disorders requiring treatment than was initially indicated by two national surveys.

  4. Cool Discovery: Menthol triggers cold-sensing protein

    A cell-surface protein that lets ions flow into cells responds to menthol and cool temperatures.

  5. Astronomy

    X-Ray Universe: Quasar’s jet goes the distance

    Collisions with photons left over from the birth of the universe appear to have generated the longest X ray-emitting jet ever found in a distant galaxy.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Vitamin Void: Heart disease may lurk in B12 deficiency

    Meatless eating typically improves cardiovascular health, but a dietary shortage of vitamin B12 may lead to an overabundance of the amino acid homocysteine in some vegetarians, which could pose a risk to their hearts.

  7. Ecosystems

    Biodiversity Hot Spots: Top 10 sea locales make sobering list

    Biologists have identified the world's most vulnerable coral reefs, each with organisms found nowhere else and threatened by human influence.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Antibody Warfare: Vaccine halts microbes in dialysis patients

    A vaccine protects many kidney-dialysis patients from blood infection caused by the Staphylococcus aureus bacterium.

  9. Materials Science

    Better Stainless: Analysis could bring pits out of the steel

    The key to developing pit-resistant stainless steel is to correct the dearth of chromium atoms around inclusions in the alloy.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Low birth weight matters later, too

    Premature babies weighing less than 1.5 kilograms at birth grow up to have lower achievement scores on standard tests and are less likely to go to college than are full-term babies weighing more than twice as much.

  11. Chemistry

    A new molecule and a new signature

    In two independent discoveries, chemists have prepared a new form of nitrogen and captured the infrared spectrum of an unusual molecule made up of hydrogen and oxygen.

  12. Materials Science

    Scientists make nanothermometer

    A carbon nanotube filled with gallium can be used to measure temperatures in microscopic environments.
