By Science News
Slumber science
Your October 24 issue featuring sleep research was very interesting and helpful. However, it did not cover any research being done — there may be none — relating to the human brain and modern changes to the nighttime environment. For most of human history, not much activity could take place at night. The diurnal cycle of light and darkness and the yearly seasons north and south of the equator must have had great influences on our development, response, brain activity and sleep. Man and the other biota with brains all developed when these cycles of inactivity dominated their lives.
It has only been relatively recently that the human environment has had light for the entire 24-hour day. Being able to be awake for long durations allows human activities such as 24 hours of essentially instantaneous worldwide communications, global business activities and many pleasures of life. It seems to me that all of these are now probably contributing to the medical problems discussed. There is no time to sleep!
However, these are unique to man. Are other living things having similar problems with sleep? This would seem to be a fruitful area for comparative sleep research.
Warren L. Dowler, Brookings, Ore.
Your recent discussion of the need for sleep (“The why of sleep,” SN: 10/24/09, p. 16) cited Robert Stickgold as saying that the benefits for memory are, to date, the only explanation as to why consciousness has to be shut down during sleep. I propose that a key psychological benefit is the extinction of the emotional potency of the relatively intense and less worked-through moments from the preceding day.
Matthew Wilson talked about sleep replaying the day’s events. Recycling these strongly emotional moments would reduce their intensity, enabling them to move into longer-term memory with a reduced potential for restimulating images that would activate upsetting emotional arousal: They move toward becoming “my history.” In contrast, sleep deprivation leads to a lower threshold for emotional arousal (irritability) that increasingly interferes with the next day’s functioning. The tangential and symbolic or “distorted” qualities of dream content would be necessary to sustain sleep: Direct recapitulations of whole events would likely keep awakening the sleeper. My hypothesis is that to do all this, the system must shut down consciousness.
Alex Caldwell, Los Angeles, Calif.
Dreaming during sleep was evidence something was going on in the brain long before EEGs were invented. Now that we know brain activity during sleep is comparable to, but different from, the awake state, we understand why body mobility must be shut down during sleep. It would not enhance survival if man followed the dictates of an active brain that had no attendant sensory inputs. It’s better to be immobile inside your cave than sleepwalking out of it.
Bernard Leitner, Palo Alto, Calif.
Your special issue on sleep is very interesting. I wonder whether a re-orientation of our viewpoint might be productive — that is, to consider the sleep state as the normal condition of living things, and consciousness as a periodic interruption to enable feeding and reproduction.
Walter Weller, Wakefield, La.