Science News wins independent press award

Each week, this magazine distills “the latest trends and findings in the ever-expanding world of science into must-know information.” Those aren’t our words, but part of the explanation that the Utne Reader offered for naming Science News its winner, this year, as the premier source for “smart” and “accessible” science-and-tech coverage.

For 2 decades, the Utne Reader (and more recently, its Web site) has gained renown for offering a digest of news and independent ideas from a broad range of outlets. For grist, it claims to scout material each month from some 1,500 “cutting-edge publications”—many of which, like Science News, “you won’t find at the average bookstore or newsstand.”

To see what other kind words their awards committee had for us in their January/February 2008 issue, go to Utne‘s Web site.