Beth Mole

All Stories by Beth Mole

  1. Chemistry

    Carbon monoxide junked for making plastic

    Using a catalyst, chemists can swap in the less dangerous carbon dioxide.

  2. Climate

    Strong winds may have waylaid global warming

    Gusts over the Pacific Ocean may have stashed heat underwater since 2001.

  3. Materials Science

    Scientists throw crystals a curve

    Particles inside a sphere assemble into ordered ribbons, not lumps.

  4. Tech

    The gene sequencing future is here

    The biggest expense in sequencing a human genome now is the cost of storing it.

  5. Materials Science

    Bone inspires strong, lightweight material

    Tiny synthetic structures modeled after bone are as sturdy as metal.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Nanopackaging biodegrades after delivering cancer drug

    DNA binding creates potentially nontoxic tumor-targeting structures.

  7. Agriculture

    Some bioenergy crops are greener than others

    In the Upper Midwest, switchgrass trumps maize at boosting ecological health.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Green tea may sabotage blood pressure medication

    Antioxidants in drink may keep intestinal cells from taking up drug.

  9. Animals

    Wrinkle arises in soggy hand studies

    An experiment bucks earlier finding that ridges help fingers grasp.

  10. Chemistry

    Battery blueprint promises green energy storage

    A device that relies on organic molecules could cheaply bank power from renewable sources.

  11. Genetics

    Top genomes of 2013

    Scientists continue to decode the genetic blueprints of the planet’s myriad flora and fauna.

  12. Chemistry

    Salt spices up chemistry

    Hot, compressed sodium chloride stretches the fundamental rules of matter.