Lisa Grossman is the astronomy writer for Science News. Previously she was a news editor at New Scientist, where she ran the physical sciences section of the magazine for three years. Before that, she spent three years at New Scientist as a reporter, covering space, physics and astronomy. She has a degree in astronomy from Cornell University and a graduate certificate in science writing from UC Santa Cruz. Lisa was a finalist for the AGU David Perlman Award for Excellence in Science Journalism, and received the Institute of Physics/Science and Technology Facilities Council physics writing award and the AAS Solar Physics Division Popular Writing Award. She interned at Science News in 2009-2010.

All Stories by Lisa Grossman

  1. Astronomy

    Ultrahigh energy cosmic rays come from outside the Milky Way

    The biggest cosmic ray haul ever points toward other galaxies as the source of the rays, not our own.

  2. Astronomy

    R.I.P. Cassini

    After 20 years, nearly 300 orbits and pioneering discoveries, the Cassini spacecraft plunges to its death in Saturn’s atmosphere — taking data until its very last breath.

  3. Astronomy

    These are Cassini’s parting shots of the Saturn system

    In its last hours before plunging into Saturn’s atmosphere, the Cassini spacecraft turned its cameras to some of the system’s well-known features.

  4. Astronomy

    So long, Titan. Cassini snaps parting pics of Saturn’s largest moon

    The last swing past Saturn’s largest moon sent Cassini heading directly towards the planet — and showed how future spacecraft will explore other moons.

  5. Astronomy

    The sun’s strongest flare in 11 years might help explain a solar paradox

    The sun tends to release its biggest flares at the ends of solar cycles — and we might finally be able to test why.

  6. Astronomy

    Final flyby puts Cassini on a collision course with Saturn

    A “last kiss goodbye” with Saturn’s largest moon sent the Cassini spacecraft on its final trajectory into the planet’s atmosphere.

  7. Astronomy

    Pluto’s pits, ridges and famous plain get official names

    From Adlivun to Voyager, the International Astronomical Union officially names 14 surface features on the dwarf planet.

  8. Astronomy

    Tabby’s star is probably just dusty, and still not an alien megastructure

    New looks at older data on the weirdly flickering Tabby’s star muddy possible explanations — but it’s still probably not aliens.

  9. Astronomy

    Star that exploded in 1437 tracked to its current position

    Astronomers have hunted down a star seen exploding in the year 1437 and traced it since, offering clues to the stages of a white dwarf.

  10. Astronomy

    As Cassini’s tour of Saturn draws to a close, a look back at postcards from the probe

    As Cassini prepares to plunge to its death, we celebrate the spacecraft's discoveries and breathtaking images of Saturn, its rings and moons.

  11. Astronomy

    On a mountain in Wyoming, the eclipse brings wonder — and, hopefully, answers

    Astronomy writer Lisa Grossman joined scientists on a mountain in Wyoming who were measuring the corona using four different instruments to try to figure out why it’s so hot.

  12. Astronomy

    Eclipse watchers will go after the biggest solar mystery: Why is the corona so hot?

    Usually when you move away from a heat source, it gets cooler. Not so in the sun’s atmosphere.