Maria Temming

Maria Temming

Assistant Managing Editor, Science News Explores

Previously the staff writer for physical sciences at Science News, Maria Temming is the assistant managing editor at Science News Explores. She has undergraduate degrees in physics and English from Elon University and a master's degree in science writing from MIT. She has written for Scientific AmericanSky & Telescope and NOVA Next. She’s also a former Science News intern.

All Stories by Maria Temming

  1. Earth

    50 years ago, an Antarctic fossil pointed to Gondwanaland’s existence

    Fifty years ago, fossils from Antarctica helped seal the deal that the southern continents were once connected in one, giant landmass called Gondwanaland.

  2. Chemistry

    The development of the lithium-ion battery has won the chemistry Nobel Prize

    Three scientists have won the 2019 Nobel Prize in chemistry for helping create lithium-ion batteries, which power everyday devices from smartphones to electric cars.

  3. Cosmology

    A new book explores how the concept of the multiverse has evolved

    Tom Siegfried, author of ‘The Number of the Heavens,’ discusses what the multiverse has meant to great thinkers throughout history.

  4. Neuroscience

    Maryam Shanechi designs machines to read minds

    Maryam Shanechi creates computer programs that link brain and machine to one day help patients with paralysis or psychiatric disorders.

  5. Earth

    Here’s where Earth stores its carbon

    Most of Earth’s carbon is stored inside the planet. But giant lava outflows and now humans have released huge amounts of carbon into the atmosphere.

  6. Space

    NASA’s new black hole visualizations showcase how gravity warps light

    Images from computer simulations highlight how the extreme gravity of a black hole tampers with light rays emanating from its accretion disk to create weird patterns.

  7. Climate

    How climate change is already altering oceans and ice, and what’s to come

    A new IPCC report gives the lowdown on how climate change is already wreaking havoc on Earth’s oceans and frozen regions, and how much worse things could get.

  8. Physics

    CO2 from champagne bottles can form shock waves like those seen in rocket exhaust

    Popping a bottle of bubbly releases a plume of dry ice that bears a visible type of shock wave called a Mach disk.

  9. Math

    A new book shows how not to fall for dubious statistics

    Skipped statistics in school and wonder what you missed? David Spiegelhalter’s ‘The Art of Statistics’ has got you covered.

  10. Tech

    This device harnesses the cold night sky to generate electricity in the dark

    A new thermoelectric generator uses the temperature difference between Earth and outer space to create electricity after the sun goes down.

  11. Humans

    Supercooling tripled the shelf life of donor livers

    Cooling organs to subzero temperatures could help them last longer, making lifesaving transplants available to more people.

  12. Humans

    The longest Dead Sea Scroll sports a salt finish that the others lack

    A newly discovered salty lamination on the Temple Scroll could help explain why the ancient manuscript’s parchment is remarkably bright.