All Stories by Science News Staff

  1. Science & Society

    Full coverage: 2015 Nobel Prizes

    The Nobel Prizes in physics, chemistry and medicine or physiology ran the gamut this year, honoring both fundamental science discoveries and research with real-world impacts.

  2. Cosmology

    Complexity in the universe, hidden craters and more reader feedback

    Readers discuss order and disorder in the universe, the languages of science communication and more.

  3. Anthropology

    Immortality and more in reader feedback

    This week in reader feedback: Immortality and tracing ancient humans.

  4. Humans

    Moon bounces, bad spider leaders and more reader feedback

    Readers debate faith's role in evolution, compare politicians to spiders and more.

  5. Astronomy

    Lucy’s new neighbor, downloading New Horizon’s data and more reader feedback

    Readers discuss why Pluto's data will take so long to get to Earth, the role the cerebellum plays in creative thinking and more.

  6. Science & Society

    Monster fish, forensics and space exploration on display

    Exhibits and opera infuse science into their experience.

  7. Neuroscience

    Global warming unpaused, how space affects the brain and more reader feedback

    A reader shares a story about Stephen Jay Gould, while others discuss how to protect the brain from radiation in space and whether 2014 was the hottest year on record.

  8. Earth

    Bringing mammoths back, life on early Earth and more reader feedback

    Readers debate the pros and cons of reviving extinct species, discuss the odd light-processing machinery of the eye and more.

  9. Neuroscience

    Special Report: Dimensions of Time

    Science News writers report on the latest scientific investigations into time’s place in the physical, biological and mental worlds.

  10. Life

    Puzzling cosmic signals, processed food defined and more reader feedback

    Readers sort out a definition for processed food, discuss the benefits of tinkering with human DNA and more.

  11. Planetary Science

    Water’s origin story, science and sci-fi and more reader feedback

    Readers discuss how Earth got its water, chat about a hot spot's violent past and more.

  12. Paleontology

    Suds versus nanoparticles and more reader feedback

    Readers discuss the posture of an ancient reptile and why washing machines and nanoparticles don't mix.