All Stories by Science News Staff

  1. Genetics


    Readers discuss the names of really big numbers and whether Lamarckian evolution is making a comeback.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Ancient history of canine cancer decoded

    A contagious cancer has been plaguing dogs for 11,000 years, a new genetic analysis reveals.

  3. Climate

    2013 among top 10 warmest years on record

    Global temperatures have now been above average for 37 consecutive years.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Vaccine vindication

    At least 103 million cases of childhood disease have been prevented by vaccines since 1924.

  5. Life


    Readers respond to microbe counts, engineered organs and how to map the universe.

  6. Astronomy

    “Black holes” in space

    Science News Letter was the first publication to use the term in print in 1964.

  7. Animals

    Flightless birds face extinction

    New Zealand’s flightless birds have limped through the last few decades, but conservation efforts have had some success.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Distractions raise crash risk for newly licensed drivers

    The risk of a crash or near-crash for newly licensed drivers is tripled or greater when they are eating, texting or rubbernecking, researchers report.

  9. Tech

    Reader favorites of 2013

    For this issue, the editors selected the 25 most important and intriguing science stories of the year. But online readers seemed to point to a different bunch, showing just how subjective such an exercise can be.

  10. Animals

    Unusual new species names of 2013

    Here are five species with tongue-twister titles.

  11. Life


    Readers discuss dog origins and how important a sense of scale is in science journalism.

  12. Microbes

    MRSA strain swiped skin bacteria genes to survive

    A common strain of the dangerous microbe may be a wolf in sheep's clothing.