Sid Perkins

Sid Perkins is a freelance science writer based in Crossville, Tenn.

All Stories by Sid Perkins

  1. Animals

    ‘Skeleton Keys’ unlocks the history and mysteries of bones

    From fish to dinosaurs to King Richard III, ‘Skeleton Keys’ surveys the scientific and cultural history of bones.

  2. Ecosystems

    Beavers are engineering a new Alaskan tundra

    Climate change has enabled the recent expansion of beavers into northwestern Alaska, a trend that could have major ecological consequences for the region in the coming decades.

  3. Climate

    ‘18 Miles’ is full of interesting tales about Earth’s atmosphere

    The new book ‘18 Miles’ takes readers on a journey through the atmosphere and the history of understanding climate and weather.

  4. Animals

    ‘Spying on Whales’ dives into the story of true leviathans

    "Spying on Whales" retraces the evolution of cetaceans, explaining how they came to be some of Earth’s largest creatures.

  5. Life

    Skeletons come in many shapes and sizes

    In Skeletons, two paleobiologists recount how and why skeletons evolved, as well as the variety of forms they take and the many purposes they serve.

  6. Life

    Fossils sparked Charles Darwin’s imagination

    Darwin’s Fossils recounts how finding extinct species in South America helped Charles Darwin develop his theory of evolution.

  7. Ecosystems

    Invasive species are a growing global threat

    'The Aliens Among Us' describes how invasive species are colonizing — and disrupting — ecosystems worldwide.

  8. Life

    ‘Darwin’s Backyard’ chronicles naturalist’s homespun experiments

    In the new book Darwin’s Backyard, a biologist explores Charles Darwin’s family life, as well as four decades’ worth of his at-home experiments.

  9. Climate

    Radical idea could restore ice in the Arctic Ocean

    Windmill-powered pumps on buoys throughout the Arctic Ocean could help bring back shrinking sea ice, researchers say.

  10. Astronomy

    Read up on solar eclipses before this year’s big event

    Three new books chronicle the science, history and cultural significance of total solar eclipses.

  11. Animals

    ‘Cannibalism’ chronicles grisly science of eating your own

    In "Cannibalism", a zoologist explores a grisly topic that scientists have only recently begun to study seriously.

  12. Animals

    ‘Furry Logic’ showcases how animals exploit physics

    "Furry Logic" explores how animals rely on the laws of physics in pursuit of food, sex and survival.