Search Results for: Parrots

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323 results
  1. Life

    Scientists have a new word for birds stealing animal hair

    Dozens of YouTube videos show birds stealing hair from dogs, cats, humans, raccoons and even a porcupine — a behavior rarely documented by scientists.

  2. Animals

    Sunbirds’ dazzling feathers are hot, in both senses of the word

    Iridescent feathers reflect vivid colors. But they also become scorching hot in the sunlight, a study finds.

  3. Animals

    A single male lyrebird can mimic the sound of an entire flock

    The Australian birds, already famous for their impressive song-copying skills, appear to be replicating the sounds of a “mobbing flock” of birds.

  4. Animals

    Glowing frogs and salamanders may be surprisingly common

    A widespread ability to glow in striking greens, yellows and oranges could make amphibians easier to track down in the wild.

  5. Life

    Stick-toting puffins offer the first evidence of tool use in seabirds

    Puffins join the ranks of tool-using birds after researchers document two birds using sticks to groom, a first for seabirds.

  6. Archaeology

    Peru’s famous Nazca Lines may include drawings of exotic birds

    Pre-Inca people depicted winged fliers from far away in landscape art.

  7. Animals

    There’s more to pufferfish than that goofy spiked balloon

    Three odd things about pufferfishes: how they mate, how they bite and what’s up with no fish scales?

  8. Animals

    Australian fires have incinerated the habitats of up to 100 threatened species

    Hundreds of fires that are blazing across the continent’s southeast have created an unprecedented ecological disaster, scientists say.

  9. Animals

    Tiny pumpkin toadlets have glowing bony plates on their backs

    Pumpkin toadlets are the first frogs found to have fluorescent bony plates that are visible through their skin under ultraviolet light.

  10. Animals

    Male birds’ sexy songs may not advertise their brains after all

    A biologist backs off an idea he studied for years that the mastery of birdsong is a sign of bird smarts.

  11. Climate

    How scientists wrestle with grief over climate change

    With climate change altering our world at an increasing pace, scientists who monitor and study nature are frustrated and grieving.

  12. Ecosystems

    Can forensics help keep endangered rosewood off the black market?

    Timber traffickers are plundering the world’s forests, but conservationists have a new set of tools to fight deforestation.
