Search Results for: Platypus

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92 results
  1. Animals

    New books deliver double dose of venomous animal facts

    In Venomous and The Sting of the Wild, researchers delve into the world of venomous creatures and the scientists who study them.

  2. Animals

    Platypuses are full of mystery

    With duck bills, webbed feet and venomous spikes, platypuses are one of the weirdest animals you’ll ever be lucky enough to see.

  3. Paleontology

    Ancient larvae built predator-thwarting mazes

    Mazelike tunnels built by ancient insect larvae offered protection from predators, paleontologists propose.

  4. Animals

    How animal poop could be key in solving echidna mystery

    The western long-beaked echidna hasn’t been seen in Australia in 10,000 years. But DNA in scat could reveal its presence.

  5. Animals

    How a seahorse dad is like a pregnant woman

    Live birth has evolved at least 150 times in vertebrates, including in seahorses and humans. And there are some surprising similarities between the species.

  6. Animals

    Early research asked whether cats dream

    Early research asked whether cats dream; researchers still don’t know definitively.

  7. Paleontology

    Giant platypus tooth found

    A fossil molar found in Australia reveals a previously unknown extinct species of the mammal.

  8. Animals

    Cats and foxes are driving Australia’s mammals extinct

    Since the arrival of Europeans in Australia, a startling number of mammal species have disappeared. A new study puts much of the blame on introduced cats and foxes.

  9. Animals

    How the ghost shark lost its stomach

    The lack of a digestive organ in fish and other animals is linked to genetics.

  10. Earth


    Platypuses in trouble, toxins in lakes and a chemical link to early puberty in this week’s news.

  11. As Told By the Egg

    The story of fertilization, from the female point of view.

  12. Life

    Dolphin may sense the body electric

    Organs on the species' snout help it detect faint fields, like those generated by prey.
