Search Results for: Eukaryote

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126 results
  1. Neuroscience

    Global warming unpaused, how space affects the brain and more reader feedback

    A reader shares a story about Stephen Jay Gould, while others discuss how to protect the brain from radiation in space and whether 2014 was the hottest year on record.

  2. Genetics

    Year in review: Life’s complexity recoded

    New genetic letters in bacteria and a simplified yeast chromosome showcase scientists' advances in understanding the simplicity and complexity of life.

  3. Life

    First chromosome made synthetically from yeast

    Work with yeast marks the first time scientists have synthesized a chromosome from organisms with complex cells and represents a major step toward lab-created eukaryotic life.

  4. Life

    Alga borrows genes to beat the heat, acid and toxic metals

    Such genetic theft from bacteria and archaea is unusual among eukaryotes.

  5. Microbes

    The vast virome

    When it comes to the microbiome, bacteria get all the press. But virologists are starting to realize that their subjects also do a lot more than make people sick.

  6. Earth

    Life under ice

    Lake Vostok may harbor ingredients for a complex subglacial ecosystem.

  7. Life

    View to a cell

    In 2013, Science News published a photo essay highlighting advances in microscopy that illuminate life within us, work that has now earned three researchers the 2014 Nobel Prize in chemistry.

  8. Life

    Complex life hit freshwater early

    Tiny fossils in Scottish rock show that cells with nuclei had spread beyond the seas by a billion years ago.

  9. Life

    Dining In

    A process called autophagy, is a means of self-preservation, cleansing and stress management for a cell.With their sights on fighting disease, scientists are now uncovering the mechanics that keep autophagy in balance.

  10. Earth

    African fossils suggest complex life arose early

    Researchers find evidence that Earth’s earliest multicellular life got going 2.1 billion years ago.

  11. Life

    All present-day life arose from a single ancestor

    A major tenet of evolutionary theory — that all life stems from a common source — passes a statistical test.

  12. Life

    Dissing a loaded label for some unicellular life

    Prominent biologist calls ‘prokaryote’ outdated term.
