Search Results for: Goats

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715 results
  1. Humans

    Reviving the taste of an Iron Age beer

    Malted barley from a 2,550-year-old Celtic settlement offers savory insights into ancient malt beverage.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Drumming up anthrax

    Mention anthrax and about the last thing that comes to mind is whether there’s a drum in the room. Yet tom-toms — or at least the stretched animal hides on their heads — can sometimes spew toxic anthrax spores into the air. Indeed, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently highlighted the case of a previously healthy 24-year-old woman who nearly died, last December, after attending a “drumming circle” in New Hampshire.

  3. Letters

    Misunderstood males? I grew up on a farm, and it was not uncommon for male horses, male goats and even male deer to let out a snort whenever anxiety surfaced in them — whether it be from a predator in the area, the removal of food from their eating area or the wandering off of […]

  4. Health & Medicine

    Diabetes drug might fight cancer

    A widely prescribed medication with few side effects shows promise in both mice and humans.

  5. Earth

    Death of a Continent, Birth of an Ocean

    Africa’s Afar region gives glimpses of geology in action.

  6. Humans

    Zeus’ altar of ashes

    News from the Archaeological Institute of America's annual meeting in Anaheim, Calif.

  7. Humans

    Ancient shoe steps out of cave and into limelight

    Excavations in an Armenian cave have uncovered the oldest known leather footwear, a 5,500-year-old shoe.

  8. Archaeology

    Lucy’s kind used stone tools to butcher animals

    Animal bones found in East Africa show the oldest signs of stone-tool use and meat eating by hominids.

  9. Animals

    Wolverine: Climate warming threatens comeback

    BLOG: New data point to unexpected sociability and filial behavior in carnivore.

  10. Letters

    Hormones, milk and fat I find it difficult to understand why the hormone content of skim milk is greater than that of 2% low-fat milk, which in turn is greater than whole milk (“Scientists find a soup of suspects while probing milk’s link to cancer,” SN: 3/28/09, p. 5). To the extent that 2% and […]

  11. Agriculture

    Pesticide may seed American infant formulas with melamine

    An insecticide may underlie traces of melamine, a toxic constituent of plastics and other materials, now being found in infant formulas.

  12. Chemistry


    Mimicking how spiders make their complex array of silks could usher in a tapestry of new materials, and other animals or plants could be designed to be the producers.
