
  1. Earth

    Earth’s magnetic mystery forces scientists to get creative

    In explaining the Earth’s magnetic field paradox, scientists may discover a new question with an even more interesting answer.

  2. Life

    Small number of genes trigger embryo development

    New views of early embryo development reveal differences between humans and mice.

  3. Genetics

    DNA architecture, novel forensics offer new clues

    Going from theory to practice is always rife with problems, be it shifting from the sequence of DNA’s letters to observing its dynamic machinations or from an identity marker in the lab to a piece of courtroom evidence.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Blood test can predict breast cancer relapse

    Blood tests for breast cancer DNA can predict relapse.

  5. Genetics

    The human genome takes shape and shifts over time

    Scientists are mapping and modeling the 4-D human genome to get beyond its linear structure.

  6. Genetics

    Gene thought to cause obesity works indirectly

    Researchers have discovered a “genetic switch” that determines whether people will burn extra calories or save them as fat.

  7. Chemistry

    Pathway pieced together to make opiates in yeast

    Scientists have engineered yeast to make sugar into thebaine, a precursor to opiates such as morphine.

  8. Genetics

    How an octopus’s cleverness may have evolved

    Scientists have sequenced the octopus genome, revealing molecular similarities to mammals.

  9. Genetics

    Ancestral humans had more DNA

    A new genetic diversity map marks where humans have gained and lost DNA.

  10. Genetics

    How Ethiopian highlanders adapted to breathe thin air

    Lower levels of a heart protein may help Ethiopian highlanders breathe thin air, researchers report.

  11. Genetics

    Wolves in jackals’ clothing

    Africa’s golden jackals are really a species of wolf and deserve a name change, DNA evidence indicates.

  12. Life

    The tree of life gets a makeover

    Biology’s tree of life has morphed from the familiar classroom version emphasizing kingdoms into a complex depiction of supergroups, in which animals are aligned with a slew of single-celled cousins.
