Science & Society

  1. Genetics

    White House hits pause on editing human germline cells

    The White House has hit pause, for now, on clinical experiments that could alter the human germ line.

  2. Science & Society

    Nash’s mind left a beautiful legacy

    The death of game theory pioneer John Nash ends a dramatic story of genius.

  3. Science & Society

    Here’s what game theory says about how to win in semifinals

    Game theory informs competitors facing off in a semifinal whether to go all out or save energy for the final.

  4. Science & Society

    Gene therapy, Gattaca-style, poses ethical issues

    Gene therapy becomes more sophisticated, and the debate over the ethics of DNA tinkering grows.

  5. Plants

    The art and science of the hedgerow

    Spiky hawthorn trees have found many uses despite their unforgiving nature, Bill Vaughn writes in ‘Hawthorn.’

  6. Science & Society

    Histories left behind by the dispossessed

    ‘Dispatches from Dystopia’ chronicles adventures in modernist wastelands to recount tales of the invisible and the overlooked, the exiled and the dispossessed.

  7. Science & Society

    The Dress divided the Internet, but it’s really about subtraction

    People really do see different colors in the same photo of a dress, suggesting that our internal models shape color perception far more than has been recognized.

  8. Science & Society

    Working together doesn’t always work

    Working as a team is a great way to gather information, but innovative solutions come best from small groups or individuals, a new study suggests.

  9. Genetics

    Editing human germline cells sparks ethics debate

    Human gene editing experiments raise scientific and societal questions.

  10. Astronomy

    ‘Black Hole’ traces 100 years of a transformative idea

    Implied by general relativity and proven by astronomical discoveries, black holes’ existence took decades for physicists to accept.

  11. Science & Society

    Cancerous clams and other sci-fi fodder

    Fans of science fiction will find a few items in this issue sure to trip the imagination.

  12. Chemistry

    Designer drugs hit dangerous lows to bring new highs

    A surge in designer drugs, which emulate the highs of classic illicit substances with unpredictable effects, is keeping law enforcement busy.
