
  1. Health & Medicine

    Pregnancy Woe Uncovered: Protein may underlie preeclampsia

    New evidence links a placental protein to preeclampsia symptoms and may lead to new ways of detecting and treating the disease.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Portrait of a cancer drug at work

    Newly revealed protein structures show how a breast cancer drug functions.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Why beer may deter blood clots

    Downing a beer a day alters the structure of fibrinogen, a blood protein active in clotting.

  4. Archaeology

    Grave surprise rises in Jamestown fort

    Excavations in the 17th-century fort at Jamestown, Va., have yielded a grave containing the skeleton of a high-ranking male colonist.

  5. Sleepers yield memorable brain images

    Rapid-eye-movement sleep may help consolidate some newly acquired memories, brain scans suggest.

  6. Astronomy

    Dead stars may masquerade as ingenues

    A heavenly deception in which dead stars lie about their ages could throw into disarray theories describing some of the densest objects in the cosmos.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Edible vaccine spawns antibodies to virus

    Genetically engineered potatoes can deliver an edible vaccine against Norwalk virus, a common diarrhea-causing pathogen.

  8. Earth

    Greenland’s ice is thinner at the margins

    The central portion of Greenland's ice sheet is, on the whole, not getting any thinner, but most margins of the ice sheet are thinning substantially and contributing to rising sea levels.

  9. E. coli toxin shows its deadly touch

    A toxin from a bacterium that causes food poisoning appears to kill cells by interacting with a protein called Bcl-2.

  10. Sexual orientation linked to handedness

    A metanalysis reveals right-handedness is more common among heterosexuals than homosexuals, suggesting a neurobiological basis for sexual orientation.

  11. Animals

    Flowers, not flirting, make sexes differ

    Thanks to lucky circumstances, bird researchers find rare evidence that food, not sex appeal, makes some male and female hummingbirds look different.

  12. Physics

    Device Sees More inside Live Cells

    A new type of optical microscope, which can discern objects smaller than a supposedly fundamental limit for visible-light viewing, may make it possible to see finer details of the insides of living cells.
