By Science News
Happy 90th, Science News
My father has generously given a subscription of Science News to me since I was small. In the ’60s I received a package in the mail each month containing science experiment materials and directions. So cool! We celebrated Dad’s 90th birthday in April. He was an aeronautic engineer; I’m an architect. I am sure the magazine you deliver to us each month gives us the same joy. Thank you for making Science News a joy for so many of us for so many decades.
Becky Thompson, South Pasadena, Calif.
I’ll add to what has probably been a flood of congratulations for 90 years of comprehensive coverage of all things science. I am 56 years old and a third-generation subscriber. If your records go back that far, my grandfather, Dr. Charles Wright MacMillan, was a devoted reader probably in the ’20s, as was my mother from the time she was a child. My parents have been providing gift subscriptions to me and my siblings our entire adult lives, and I intend to continue that tradition for my grown children. Not sure if we win the prize for longest family subscription, but I do know that Science News has had a profound influence on our lives, inspiring curiosity and instilling great respect for the timeless pursuit of new discoveries.
It was a thrill to see that Janet Raloff got the plum assignment of combing through the archives. I’ve been a huge fan of Janet’s writing for many years, and could recognize her clever, articulate style without looking at the byline.
Jack Connell, Raleigh, N.C.